Economic Crisis

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Oured,Osean Federation

Alright,settle down.I said settle down"

Just 10 minutes after Ander's order,the Congress of the Osean Federation has gathered 70% of its members,most importantly,the Senate has fully assembled.Some people in the Foreign Affair absent,reasonable,they have to resolve South Korean incident after all,and the president doesn't need them either.

Beside,the person Ander is looking for isn't here either.After the conflict between him and Johnson,it look like the secretary of defense has almost disappeared from his office,only to be seen once in a while,some people said he's constantly moving from Bana City to Oured,then Sudentor,some said that he was fired,and just return to retrieve his belonging.But as Ander know,he's just staying in his house,locking himself between the four walls of the room and work from there.The president hoped that the man would quick isolating himself and come to the meeting,but he was wrong.

Let that aside,the whole Congress is waiting for him:

"Ladies and gentlemen,sorry for calling you so sudden,but this is an emergency situation"

A few whisper were exchange between the people sitting in the row of chairs.The president can't tell exactly what are they talking about,but judging by their facial expressions,they are worrying,just like him:

"Please calm down,and listen carefully,do not panic.The Osean Federation is on a march toward an economic crisis within one month.I supposed that no one knew this information,aside from a few individuals in the Department of Economy,usually,the department would resolve it by themselves,but this time,things are more serious"

Rumors began to spread between the people sitting in the Congress house,a few lean their body closer to the table to hear him,while some of them left their seats.Deciding that they weren't important for this meeting,Ander continues:

"The effect of this crisis shall be classify,as Mr.Jerry Hank,from the Department of Economic Security requested in order to prevent leaking information out of the public.But as I said,the scale of this economic crisis might destroy the stability of the Osean Federation,so I need each one of you to help..."

Fairwether,Osean Federation

"40 share,we should start slowly,right?"

Sitting in front of the computer screen,two Yuktobanian,a wife and a husband,both press and writers are betting a portion of their fortune into Osean stock market.The two want to enrich themselves a little bit before leaving Osea for another nation,after all,staying in a place for too long isn't suitable for their job:

"200 zollar per share....,let's wait"

For a period,the Osean stock market has been rising in a stable line,that's why they chosen this way to make money,otherwise,they won't be that risky investing in a market.Being originated in Yuktobania,a socialism based nation,for them,stock market isn't a trustable place to put their money into.

But in Osean nowaday,having Yuktobanian nationality are making job finding harder than before.

"Can't believe OBC fired me for being a Yuke"-the husband take a sip from his cup of coffee-"I should write an article about this,damn those f-ckers"

"No,not yet,and I don't think that's the problem.Osean are in short of job making for themselves,much less foreigners"-the wife point out-"Right now,Sukahoi,Tukoleb and Mikonyan are getting too many applications from foreigners,they are seeking job at non-Osean companies.Maybe Osean are more willing to support fellow Osean rather than us"

"Huh,unfair,but I understand"

Suddenly,the line in the stock market turned into a flat line,it seemed like they can't make more money than this:

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