(Side story)-Escape from Vladivostok

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Vladivostok,occupied Russia

<<Milika, we were ordered to return to Moscow>>


<<3:47 Moscow time. Message number 19, from Major Alexey Ratnikov:"We've ordered you to return to the city of Moscow for new deployment, I expect you to arrive by three days later">>

Chilling on the top of the dorm in the light of the afternoon sun, communicating with Valentina via a radio, Koshka almost falls from his chair after hearing the sudden deployment request. His glass of ice water was broken, doesn't matter, he could buy a new one right now. The important and much serious thing is the call back:

"Tell them the Osean would do anything to stop me from returning"

Koshka wasn't lying. Everytime he mentioned going back to Russia, there would be several attempts to hold him back. In less than a week, at least three meals he got had been poisoned, one struck him, forcing Koshka to stay at the hospital for a few days before he returned by yesterday.

If that wasn't enough, someone also tried to cut Valentina's wire system to ground the aircraft, but that unfortunate mechanic was burned in his arm while trying to approach her. That same man retired the next day

On the other hand, with their intention clear, Long Caster and the OADF promised him 20 millions zollar if he changed teams, which of course he turned down the deal. Then, as a suggestion of the CIA, they tried to lure him by deploying a female spy, in order to make him change his mind using an old tactic of seduction. Little did they know, Valentina burned the spy with a laser gun by the moment she put a step on her hangar. It took more than a day for Koshka to notice and bury the evidence.

But now thinking back, if he is here for a little longer, who knows what they would try to do.

<<I did, and that doesn't work, Message number 20, from Major Alexey Ratnikov:"No delay, we expect you to arrive at Moscow within four days since this message"

"Time to get back, huh?I guess we cannot say goodbye to the two in Seoul. Should we leave anything behind as a gift? What would be the best gift for them?"

<<According to the internet search, that would be flower,but the choice is your->>

"A bottle of wine is fine if you ask me"

"Leaving so soon?"-the Hawkeye commander sits on a water tube next to the chair,hand holding a sandwich-"We're still in a ceasefire, why are you in a rush? Having your girlfriend cheating on you?"

Suddenly,from behind Koshka,a figure appeared,it's Long Caster:

"No, one of mine is alway there"-Koshka pointed his finger down the hangar where his Su-57 stood-"And I don't believe the other had any interest in doing that, despite her constantly yelling at me for abandoning her to go to Asia."

"I see"-Long Caster smirked, before taking another bite on the sandwich.

Seeing the face the man next to him made, Koshka could tell that something is wrong:

"What's the matter? You want me to stay here a little longer? Well, so unfortunate, I have to go soon"

"I know, Ratnikov, I know. I've also just found out what happened to a certain American female spy"-Koshka tried to look away at something else while Caster said so-"I know why you want to leave. I have to admit, if I were you, I would also choose the option of running away"

Long Caster finished his sandwich before stands up:


"You will let me leave-"

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