Belkan Impression

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<<Sir Houston?Hello>>

<<Sorry,kid,we haven't received any signal from them either>>

The United States Pearl Harbor is busy this morning.

Two hours earlier,Hawaii's connections to friendly bases of the Osean Federation had been lost.At first,they checked the system,to see if there is any error.None.The server works fine,and other radio lines from US mainland and Japan still work like they normally do.

After the first try failed,they tried to connect to other Osean bases across the continent of Osea.If they could,then problem solved,things would return to normal,at worst it could be quite inconvenience trying to contact northern Osea,at least in a few days until the problem is fixed.

The American then chose another method to contact:using satellitesTo do this,many signals were delivered toward the space, toward the Osean satellites, so that they could catch it and return if there is any message.Another signal was also sent to the ISEV,if Oured could know the problem,things would be fixed faster,they hoped.

But there is no answer from the other side,after half an hour of waiting,the American realized that something is wrong.

<<Commander Albert Henderson,I'm afraid that we would have to wait for a bit longer>>

<<I understand.Thank you for your help.But is it true that American falled to find any Osea fleet in the region?I thought the entire OMDF is in the Pacific?>>

<<Well,not much any more,after Shanghai,I think you understand why not many OMDF warships are left to be deployed in the safer part of the sea.By the way,I've heard that your unit captured the person who responsible for the sinking of our five aircraft carriers>>


For some reason,the other side of the line in Vladivostok felt silent for a dozen seconds.Right when Houston is about to call the engineers to check the cable,the Osean side speaks up again:

<<Fake news,we've lost his track recently,along with his aircraft.I don't have the authority to enter Russia for a hunt either>>


<<Anyway...>>-Long Caster shakes the phone-<<If there is any sign of radio signal from Osea,call me.Also,tell General Johnson that his cousin needs some help in Vladivostok,I suppose that it would make the problems being solved quicker>>

<<I will>>

<<I'm counting on you>>-Long Caster says before hanging up the phone. <<And don't forget,no matter what happens,just please acknowledge us as soon as possible>>

Houston placed his phone down on the table.


"This one looks weird and amazing at the same time."

Right after Monika's wheels stop on the concrete road of the military base,she's surrounded by curious men,both Osean and Belkan,gathering around to witness the miracle of American technology.

"May I touch the plane?"

<<Only in non-sensitive area,moving parts and electromagnetic gun is forbidden>>

Having got permission from the aircraft herself,the engineer began to swarm in and rub their hands all around the aluminum frame of Monika.It's no different from any other regular aircraft,except the weight,for some reason,significantly higher.One man even tried to sneak their fingers between the weld,only to painful retreat when Monika passively vibrates and crushes those flesh fingers between the metal frame.

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