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A week after Megalith

Antonova walks along the hall of the Bright Hill.Just an hour earlier,Russian,for the first time ever,set their foot on Osean Federation's soil,as their aircraft entered the airspace of the Federation,they were met with welcomeness.Still,as probably the second or third strongest standing military on the planet,and despite not being anymore on their glory mount,they are still smart,nor they would let the full guard down to rely on "international rule".Over the cap of the Arctic,4 nuclear submarines ready to retaliate in case of need,along with all available land launch ICBM,and the Polyarnye Siyaniye staying under the wave of the Pacific,the retaliation force is more than enough.

"Welcome"-President Ander stands in front of the chairs waiting for him to come-"No need to stay on alert all the time"

"I know"-the Russian diplomat sat down along with his colleagues on the opposite side of the table-"But we're not know if your country follows the UN rules or not.After all,we Russians denied the legitimacy of your nation on this planet.However,I must say that your manner seemly familiar with the American,I guess that I am truly over exaggerated"

Ander nods his head,at first he was intended to invite Putin himself,but the he thought back the time of the end of Circum-Pacific War.Even after the Yuktobanian and Osean became allies,the same ways of thinking still well within the heads of the politicians:they do not went out of their nest unless they were heavily armed.As a result,ambassadors exist to become the face of them,and on Earth,there must be no different.That's why he invited a diplomat instead.And although being the host,Osean still remaining readily special force,including OFN Buzzard II,OFN Admiral Anderson,OFN Razgriz,Arsenal Bird Liberty and Aigaion,not without the full arsenal of nuclear ICBM from Osea and USA,are still on their combat readiness:

"I fully awared that 2000 nuclear warheads are aiming at Osea,and I wouldn't deny that we did the same.And of course I don't want the planet that we have just transfer to less than a year ago turns into a nuclear ball.So let's put that aside,the treaty we sent you earlier,do you want to change anything?"

"Yes,most of the term are reasonable and acceptable,none of them violated the benefit of the Russian Federation in the area either,maybe except for one or two of them,but we can agree on that.But!"-The Russian ambassador point out a finger-"one thing that I do not accept is that we allow the Osean Federation to join the United Nation"

"I see"-Ander looks up straight at Antonova in the eyes-"I do expected you to not completely agree to the treaty,since that would lower the legitimacy of your war against our nation.Until this point,a lot of countries still classified the nation of Osea as terrorist.Therefore,accepting our country seat in the UN only lost your reputation"

"So why did you dare to bring that term in the first place?"-the man questioned,but instead of answering him right away,the Osean president looked out of the window for a moment,toward the airport where the II-96 has just landed:

"Well,I think that worth a try"-Ander turns back to the Russian diplomatic corp-"From my heart,I don't want blood to spill because someone thought that our nation is a bunch of terrorist in the face of a superpower.Russia and Osea...I think one day two nations could become friends,just like how the Megaliths squadron have a Russian in it"


1.Osean Federation and the United States will retreat from all territory occupied within the Russian Federation's 2022 border,except for the city of Vladivostok,which would be return to Russia in 2025

2.No combatant or non-combatant are allowed to be harmed from all types of weapon and physiological attack carried out by the opposite side from 90 degree vertical line east to 150 degree vertical line west.

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