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Sudentor,Osean Federation,right after the Treaty of Oured was signed 

"Welcome,Mr.President,it was a pleasure meeting you,please take a seat."

"Whatever,now tell me,why are you calling me here,Mr.Heinrich?"

Following the invitation of one important figure among the military,after 6 hours of flight,president Ander himself,along with secretary of defense Johnson,had made their way to North Osea,arriving at the headquarters of the infamous North Osea Grunder Industries.After the transfer,Grunder and the government,despite still remain a close trading relationship,have been fighting to decide whether to nationalize the corporation or not.But every war has its final result:

"I have noticed that you aren't in a good mood today,Mr.President?Or because you hate to look at the Belkan holding the arm market?"-A high class looking man sat down opposite on the table with a cup of coffee on his hand-''My name is Heinrich Gollnitz,as you can tell,I am the CEO of North Osea Grunder Industries.First,I have to admire you mister,your way of cornering us are truly creative,all the foreign citizens have been granted Osean citizenship,except for one,and that's Belkan.You hatred to us Grunder Industries are truly invincible"

"Yes,and those hatreds are reasonable I might say.Now,go straight to the point,I don't have much time to spend with a Belkan like you"

"Calm down"-the Belkan CEO takes a deep breath and takes out a document from the desk drawer-"I invited you here purely for business,and as the ODF requested earlier,an exceptional aircraft,capable of air to air combat,ground attacking,even very high recon,but due to the cost,we've only made a single prototype of it.And here is the contract"

Johnton receives the document from him and takes a look,the general seemed impressed,but the president doesn't:

"So?You haven't answered my question:Why am I here?"-Ander glare at the Belkan CEO-"Anyone among the high-ranking military officers.Even let them aside,Mr.Johnson is here,I don't see any point of my present in this building"

"Not really,some of the terms here...must be discussed with you...."-Heinrich picks up the document and move his finger toward a line near the end-"Aside from a billion zollar on the prototype,60 billion for the order of 80 units,I..."-he paused for a second before continues-"I demand Osean citizenship for all Belkan"

"Belkan?Why do I need to grant Osean citizenship for Belkan?Why would you think that I would..."

"I think you should consider,I have significantly lowered the pric-..."


"Look,Mr.Ander"-Johnson said to him with a pursuing voice-"You can hate Grunder Industries,or him,or anyone participating in this corporation,but how about innocent Belkans?I don't see anymore reason to continue your plan,and they are even inhumane"


"History is hard to forgive,but..."-Heinrich stood up and walked toward the Osean president-"Time changed,Mr.Ander,we have no reason to wage war against the Osean Federation.This is a whole different world,Osea is the only thing we are familiar with,and people tend to have better relationship with things that they knew.Beside,Grunder Industries has made a step down,and I think you,Mr,president,you should,too"

"No is no,Mr.Heinrich,put my name out of your plan.And you too"-Ander stands up and pushes his finger against Johnson-"You are a military officer,not a humanitarian reformer,do your right job.If you dare to bring me to Sudentor anytime in the future,even just once,you would have to prepare to pack your belongs in the office first.I am leaving"

Said done,the Osean president stands up and left the room,leaving Johnson and Heinrich behind in disappointment:

"Sorry,can't help much."-said Johnson-"I didn't even expect him to reject that."

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