Sky of Felon

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From the runway of Incheon International Airport,the 297ths take the final goodbye to the land of Seoul,heading to the south to the airfield at Okinawa.That is the first route they intended to go,but before they can return home,at the evening of the second vacation day,a mission was sent making them to change their course,to the southwest.

The previous evening

"Everybody"-Long Caster call his squadron-"New command from our HQ in Oured,they had ordered us to escort the Arsenal Bird Justice to the city of Shanghai"

"Wait?What about the first plan?"-Blaze ask him

"Cancel it,we will go for the new second plan"-he open his iPad,which the team have never seen before and draw a route far from what they planned-"Our squadron will fly to the city of Shanghai and help the Arsenal Bird to aim at the enemies,in other word,just like what we did in the border of DPRK and China"-he continue to draw another line to Okinawa-"Then fly back to our Japanese main base"

"That it?"-Cipher was surprised by the simplicity of the attack,all of them either,but he is the only one who dares to question.

"Yes"-Long Caster simply replied

Everybody knew what this meant:a landing at the coastal city of Shanghai,the government wanted to spread the Chinese force by an attack at an important city of the country.They and the Justice shall be the first strike at the city's defense,but the mission was too simple,perhap the government has overestimated Justice.Acknowledge of this,Blaze ask:

"May I have a question?In case the attack fails,what do we need to do?I won't confident about the APS after Russia managed to do it"

"I don't know,but perhap return to Okinawa as the plan"

"Roger that"

"Alright,that's it?Okay,go to sleep,we must get up early"

Back to present

"I see it,the city of Shanghai"-Mobius told them on the radio.Under the white cloud,the city appeared out of the morning fog,with hundreds of skyscrapers pointing to the sky,their light still shining upon the city below.A majestic sight comparable to even Oured,even at war,Shanghai is still lively as it is on peacetime,but that won't happen for any longer,the sky has roamed in the sound of jet engines.

<<Mobius,add this city to my list of travel after war,if it still here>>-Trigger request,but he notices some unusual thing far away at the city:

<<Oh,look at the harbor>>

In contrast to the sight of the city,the port wasn't looking so good,there were many cranes still underwater,crushing a few ships under them.But the thing catched most of their attention was the wreck of a giant merchant ship blocking the port and the river.The port is inactive,they can tell it by themselves,but it wasn't anything bad.

<<That gigantic ship haven't being pull out,I guess that they haven't undone what Torres did>>

<<The harbor was disabled,meaning that there are less warship>>-Cipher glare at the port,there are many ship,but most were very small-<<Good>>

<<Everybody,concentrate>>-their AWACS order-<<We are approaching the major air defense of the city,incoming missiles,split up>>

<<Roger that>>

The squadron broke into four and headed to the targets across Shanghai.Right after they went away,hundreds of explosions erupted Justice's APS.It seems like the Chinese air defense has catched their signal,but the squadron is faster.The batteries of air-to-air missiles were detected upon launching,and the 297ths just need to destroy them while they're reloading.

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