Cold War

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60 kilometers from Rome, Italy

<<Watson to all units, start your engine.>>

An order was given in the radio line of the Osean tank column. Just a minute after that, the armored tanks begin to move. Escorting them is a helicopter team from the New Federation Armed Force.

Two months after Whitehawk and its fleet arrived in the Mediterranean, the Osean-Belkan Expedition Army also came to Europe. The 398th Armored Brigade and the 47th Airborne Brigade, led by two of the most highly esteemed members of the New Federation, Brigadier General Raghley Watson and Brigadier General Matthew Murphy, are among the expeditionaries which were chosen by Supreme Commander Harris Johnson to come to help Europe. Subsequent to their landing in Civitavecchia, the Oseans must have a long journey before they could arrive where they should be: outskirt of Rome. There, the brigade shall meet up with the American and Italian defenders, and if they are lucky, their fellow countrymen from the air force.

<<Gosh I am freezing.>>

In the early autumn wind, which for unknown reason is very cold, hundreds if not thousands of vehicles are evacuating from the city. They carry civilians, valuables and movable ancient relics in order to protect them from the incoming battle. The road is still wide for the tanks to fit into if they move in a single column, although sometimes it is hard to turn when they meet someone or something that is blocking the road.

<<Comfy down there?>>

<<Absolutely not.>>

In contrast to the crowd underneath, the helicopters move freely in the air, some even hovering lower joking with the civilians, despite many of them being scolded by Murphy for doing that. That said, they still have to move at the same speed with the armored vehicles. If it wasn't for that, Murphy and his soldiers would have landed in Rome by now to enjoy some hot drink, the weather tonight is for certain very harsh for the airborne troops.


Out of the thin air, a snowflake landed on Murphy's rifle.

"Hey...<<Hey Watson, are you seeing this? >>

Washington D.C, United States

"Abnormal weather phenomenons recounted from the Space Elevator"

"Reported from Upwood, United Kingdom, outside thermometer recorded 38 Fahrenheit, galing wind."

"12 kilometers depth cloud in Oslo Norway"

In the Pentagon, reports of unusual cold temperature and strong winds had been sent back from every American bases stationing within the Northern Hemisphere, along with that are a tremendous amount of photos taken from NASA and Tesla's satellites and from the top of the Space Elevator furthering confirm the dire situation of global weather and the difficulties in maintaining logistic lines from North America to Europe. Ice began to form further south, forcing the American to change direction of supply routes to avoid collision. Yet, some icebergs even broke from the pole, following ocean currents and entered the Atlantic Ocean. Unaware of this, USS Bataan while carrying troops to Norway had collided with one of the icebergs and was seriously harmed. The ship did not sink and was towed back to Hamburg for repair, but that is enough to see how hazardous this weather phenomenon is for their preparation operation in Europe. To make matters worse, at least three C-5 and a C-17 had to make emergency landings back ashore after experiencing storm-like wind when they were trying to climb to an ideal altitude for flight and were almost crushed. After that, all efforts of delivering troops to Europe using airborne methods came to a halt, or had to redirect to North Africa.

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