Joint Operation

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"Zhangli,don't shoot.It's me Wang"

"Oh,sorry,damn it,those rebels has took over the main control room,so we have to be careful"

The tired Chinese gunner sat down on a cold metal plate,right next to Zhangli.Two,maybe three hours ago,a number of engineers and guards of the iron nuclear fortress Jushi had taken on their arms and oppressed all over the facility.Running out of supplies and ammunition the governmental force has to retreated to the rear of the building.Zhangli's group are among the last resistance pocket.

"So"-Zhangli lit up a cigarette for the newcomer-"I heard that they launched the ICBMs against the coalition,is that true?"

"Yes,I don't know the result,but...I think that the attack failed,I still could call my friend in Changsha,he said that the ICBMs have been shot downed by a mysterious light,that's it"

Hearing that,all the men inside the room are relieved.The attack failed,which means there should be no nuclear retaliation,so their families are still alive out there,a bit of positivity in this hopeless situation.Seeing it's time to get out of this mess,Zhangli stands up,he give a handgun to the soldier,the best weapon he can offer to the tired soldier:

"Now,we must flee from here,the closest door is three floors away...."

Suddenly,he heard one or two footsteps come toward the storage they are staying inside.The engineer quickly raise a hand signal for his comrades to stay silent.One second passed,the footsteps slowly approach,Zhangli and Wang peaked through a small dot on the wall,seeing two men armed with a QJY-88 machine gun.If they came out earlier they would have been ripped apart in seconds:

"Shh...stay here,do not come out,I have to know what they are planning"-Wang pushes his ear against the wall

<<The 5th floor is clear,commander>>-one of the men speak to the HT on his hand-<<No sign of non-ally,I can see the map of the facility on the hall>>

<<Good,get to the sub-control room,type the coordinate of Three Gorges Dam onto the controller,we need ten nuclear warheads>>

<<Roger that,we're leaving>>

Wang pushes himself out of the wall,speechless.As an elite soldier of ,he himself fully know the combination of the words "Three Gorges Dam" and "nuclear warheads",there's only one possibility:

"What did they say,Wang?"

"They are going to blow up the Three Gorges Dam,Zhangli,they would do that to destroy the coalition force,we must report this to someone,Russian,Osean,American,the government,whoever can hear us"

Oured,Osean Federation

Ander was an officer of the Osean Defense Force during the 1995 Belkan War,yet still,after he heard the report from the frontline,the president couldn't believe that it was real.Not only him,the secretary of defense,the senates,maybe everyone heard about it also have the same reaction.To compare,the Belkan detonated 7,just 7 nukes created a nuclear border,killing thousands of civilians for a meaningless war,the Chinese rebels on the other hand launched 347, half of them ended up detonate, just to block the northern east  and central eastern force.

" much have we lost?"

"190 thousand KIA,millions injured.Hundred thousands of pieces of equipment out of action,and our supply line was severely damaged.I don't see any hope of continuing the assault on their capital".

"So,what should I say to the people"

"I don't see any reason for this attack to be directly pointed out as your fault,but..."-Johnton stands up from his chair-"Overall,the series of the disaster leads to you,so I don't see any chance for you to keep your chair in the next term either.This war must end as soon as possible,you have less than 2 years left or you will go down as the worst president in Osea's history"

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