Sword of Justice

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Somewhere above Osea

"Goodbye Justice,have a safe trip"

"May they greet you with cheers"

A group of people in military uniform standing on the coastline,they wave at a giant white flying angel,as it disappeared into the horizon, wandering far from their land.


A week after the attack of North Korean's border defense,there is almost no mission for the 297th,aside from a few patrol around the islands,in fact,they are the most free people in the base.From the balcony of the dorm,Blaze and Maiden can be seen playing chess together,while Swordsman casually watches behind and make sure they don't accidently violate the rule.Talisman checking his aircraft,Pixy and Archer just bathing themselves under the sun.Meanwhile,Mobius and Trigger watching the view of the from the top of the building,isolate so no one can disrupt.

"The wind is a little strong today,fall is coming"-Mobius said,as her hair being lifted off,flying along with the wind.The seaside is peaceful,just like a holiday at a resort,aside from the fact that they must always be ready to be taken away from that privilege.But a week passed,and nothing special happened.

"It's hard to believe that we are at war,only the ones always at the frontline really feel it"

After the attack of the North Korean border and their nuclear arsenal,the joint South Korean-American force have entered the DPRK's territory,they soon meet the first clash against the Korean People's Army.Despite the resistance from the North,the coalition has entered Pyongyang with fewer casualties than expected,they are now waiting to gather with Osean land force.

In Europe,the NATO has gained some territorial advance in Belarus,Ukraine and Kaliningrad,with most of Russian force spread across its vast land border,the NATO in some area has crossed the Russian border with little threat.

But not everywhere favored the Osean allies,in the Middle East,the Israeli is now in full defense against the mass concentrated army of the Muslim states sided with Russia.Not all Middle East countries against them,the Saudi Arabia even helped with resources,but the sheer army along has crisped IDF firepower.

Back to the base at Okinawa,when everything is blooming in the early autumn and the scene is beautiful,far from the battlefield.When the 297th didn't expect any mission most,the speaker in the middle of the base finally called their name with their AWACS voice:

"Attention,Osean 297th Tactical Fighter Wings,immediately come to the briefing room,we have an important mission for you"

Right after the speaker turned off,the pilots of Hawkeye quickly leave where they are and run as fast as possible to where Long Caster told them to,Swordsman even tripped over the chessboard as he running.When they arrived,Mobius pushed the slide door to the right,revealed a Long Caster eating a sandwich.

"Don't tell me that you called us while still eating that sandwich"

"Unfortunately yes"-Long Caster stands up,while everyone else sits down,and Cipher comes from nowhere just step in the room-"But that is not the problem.I will make it quick,so listen here,the attack of the ground force into DPRK has resulted the PLA and Russian military to put their concentrate at the border between theirs and North Korea,they processed as a really hard barrier blocking our force to enter Chinese territory,but the good thing is their navy are no longer available to attack Osea,so defense is now much easier"

"What would we gain from this?"

"You would know soon.Guess what,having two birds protecting a single continent is such a waste of potential."

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