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"Hmm? You've died again...? Well, talk about the unfortunate. No matter what happens, you always end up throwing your life away for another person don't you?" Alone and secluded in the vast empty space, a white orb remained floating as it descended onto the palm of hers.

"Of course, you will. You're too heroic and stupid to let someone in front of you die. You know you don't have the strength to fight and protect those around you, so you do the only logical solution that you can think of, using your body to shield the ones in harm." She grabs the soul in her palm and slowly squeezes it with both her hands tightly.

Multiple streaks of light leak out from any openings in her hands as she then released the soul above her. She smiled as she watched it shine brighter and brighter while floating higher. "How different will the outcome be now if you had the strength to protect those around you?" She asked a simple question that can have multiple answers to it.

Regardless, she hopes to see what wonderful data she can collect from the man in his third reincarnation. "The world you're about to be brought into is quite ruined. Worry not, I will have my assistant take care of you should anything happen. I'm sure when you reunite with everyone, they will be happy to see you..." She closed her eyes as she sees the soul slowly disappearing as it'll go back to the world of the living, ready to reincarnate.

"I hope this time, you get the happy ending that you deserve." Prometheus smiled.


"Dammit dammit dammit! Of course, I mess up!" Running through the barren desolated city, a young boy no older than 12 with red hair and amber eyes ran through the streets of St. Fountain. Behind him were many mechanical monsters who pursued him as he ducked and slid over the mass of rubble that blocked the path in front of him, it's only thanks to the small space beneath said rubble he was able to still escape instead of trapping himself. He stopped for a moment to catch his breath. Relief escapes his face—


"Oh come on!" The blocked pathway behind him exploded as he saw Code IV - The Emperor running straight at him. Without much thought, he gripped the sword strapped to his side. The blade is special, in retrospect, the sword instead of steel is that of a futuristic and mechanical look. Although mechanical, most will believe it to not be sharp. Well... They would be correct.

*Fwoosh* *Sizzle* *Sizzle*

The mechanical sword was enveloped with a bright light. His sword glowed as it flowed with blue energy. Vibrant and intense ringing was heard from the weapon. Now...the sword is even stronger than steel and iron, able to cut through the hardest materials known to man. However don't be fooled, even it has its limitations. Regardless, his childish attitude couldn't help but make him lose concentration.

Lightsaber go!

He sidestepped out of the way as The Emperor slashed down at him. He then twirled as Code 0 - The Fool aimed to hit him with an upward claw strike by rushing him head-on. Getting behind it after it left itself wide open, he slashed at its vulnerable back and watched it fall to the ground with sparks.

He would prefer not to fight so that he can conserve stamina and not be exhausted. Even though running away isn't any better, at least he won't be fully exhausted by fighting for his life and endangering himself.

Speaking of endangering himself... He winced as he narrowly avoided his flesh and skin getting pierced through by an energy shot. He felt his skin cut on his forearm as he feels a hot hunting sensation. Code I - The Mage shot him. He frowned at the floating shielded mechanical monster as he crouched and on a whim, jumped up in the air with force. Gripping his sword with both hands he yelled as he slashed down, cleaving at The Mage as he saw his blade cleave through the shield and shatter it. With mobility and defying physics, he kicked The Mage down onto the ground with all his might.

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