Chapter 13

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"Rita? You're his bodyguard!?"

"Indeed I am. You should've seen my shock when I learned of the task that Captain-Sama left me. It was an out-of-nowhere request..."

So Rita-San already knows Kiana and everyone else from the looks of it. F/N watched as Rita talked with the trio. His thoughts were elsewhere while watching them. This whole bodyguard thing has made things complicated. Well, for the most part, it's only for going out of the Hyperion during the day. I can still sneak out during the night but I feel like I'm gonna be limited to where I'm going since I'll always have a pair of eyes on me. He thought to himself as he blinked once he focused on Kiana's eyes.

I should ask her what kind of contacts she uses. They're very pretty and they're shaped like stars in a sense. I've never seen such pretty glowing pink irises.

"Everyone seems so close to each other..." He couldn't help but mumble to himself as he looked at the four after he stopped paying attention to Kiana's eyes. "From what I've learned, it's important to have many relationships...having connections can give you an advantage with many things."

Networking. One of the many concepts his teacher taught him that can help him gain an advantage by having bundles of connections.

"Rita is exceptional at her job, F/N." Kiana spoke toward him causing him to snap out of his thinking. "Should you need anything, rely on Rita. Of course, don't forget to rely on your Onee-Sama okay?" She winked at him as she told him to not forget about them.

"I see you've gone ahead and grown comfortable with him already."

"We did have the luxury to spend time with him after all." Mei told Rita. "I think the time in the hospital also helped as he was recovering."

"So I've been told. You've been chased by monsters." Rita looked directly at F/N as she spoke. "How am unfortunate event. You didn't engage in battle instead of running away did you?"

"I-I did. At first..." F/N stuttered slightly. "Too many enemies. I knew my limit so I fled instead. Too bad I was chased." He frowned while scratching his head as he recalled that day he basically might've died. This time due to his injury, he really would've died if he wasn't found. Unlike the past few times he's nearly died, he was still able to flee because he didn't injure his ankle. You lose mobility on your ankle and it's over as you can no longer escape. It's still possible to escape, you just have to be lucky.

"I was told about one of the injuries that you received. If you find your ankle feeling abnormal than usual, please feel free to tell me. As your maid, there are many ways to take care of your worries." Rita let out a smile toward him as he blushed at her devotion to being a maid.

"I you really are a maid?" He was told he was gonna get a bodyguard in the first place. Yet he received a maid. Then again...a maid can also be a bodyguard at the same time.

"There's a reason I'm dressed like one after all. Did you have doubts I wasn't one?" Rita grabbed the ends of her skirt as she lifted it slightly and bowed.

"Well...movies and shows kinda ruined my sense of normality." He admitted truthfully. "Too many spy movies that I've seen of butlers and maids being undercover assassins or agents and so forth. As childish as it sounds, I let myself be influenced and believed you were a secret assassin sent on a mission." He failed to notice how easily he talked to Rita as he was too wrapped up in talking about some of the great movies and shows he had seen.

The others looked at the boy as they sweat dropped. Not because of his childish nature but because he identified who Rita secretly is to many without knowing it.

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