Chapter 14

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It's finally night! Oh how long I have waited for this!

The entire day wasn't as bad as he thought it would originally be. In the blink of an eye the sun has already set and it's now eleven o'clock. He looks over at his sister who is in a deep sleep state.

Spending time with Rita took up his entire day. The two of them spent it trying to get to know each other better. He is thankful for the snacks she made for him and even the tea. The good outweighed the bad in the end. However, he has come to learn that she is but a great danger to him.

He is concerned about how easily she can tease him... She manages to make him fluster easily. It's gotta be a skill of hers to easily tease others! She is a master when it comes to being cunning. Her words of apology to him when she sees him very embarrassed?

"My apologies. You are simply too easy to toy with."

He shivered. He wondered if the others had to deal with her.

Why couldn't Adam be the one to be my bodyguard or something? Instead, I have some...devil! He equipped his glasses as he was now outside the room and looked around. Like last time the place was quiet and it was dark. Disabling the cameras, security, and so forth like last time.

He went ahead toward where the elevator was. There's a feeling of anxiety and excitement within him as he sneaks out. Anxiety at the thought of getting caught and excitement as he feels like he's on a secret mission like a spy!

He reached the elevator and pressed the button to go to the roof. The anxiety in him died and he let out a sigh of relief. The city and underground city alike are both beautiful at night. Although he hasn't seen what the underground city is like in the daytime, he expects it to be around the same as it is at night.

"Us humans are amazing! We were able to build all these different types of buildings and structures alike! Truly impressive how much imagination the human mind can have!" He spoke to no one as he had his hands on his hips.


He hummed softly. He stared at the mirror and looked at his facial appearance. He wore a brown wig and had brown eye contacts. Safe to say he looks like a regular everyday person.

Being a MOB character sounds nice... He thought idly. He decided to go with a very common color for both his hair and eyes. That being brown. Although black is also common, he liked the brown color more.

" much will the wig and contacts be?" He asked the shop owner.

"$25 kid." The woman who ran the wig shop told him. Going into his backpack he searched around for his stack of money that he had inside. "Why's a kid like you searching for a disguise anyway?" The woman asked as she was behind the counter and rested her palm against her cheek with amusement as she looked at the disgusted boy who wore some of her products. On another note, what's a kid his age doing out here all alone? She should report this. She then blinked as she saw the kid pull out a stash of cash out of his bag.

"I stand out too much. My hair and eyes alike cause many people to stare." F/N said quietly. It's a half-truth. Not entirely a lie. He will stand out too much. Standing out will cause people to try and capture him and kidnap him like he was warned should it be found out he's the Captain's brother.

"You didn't steal did you?" The woman could only ask as the boy in front of her had a suspicious amount of money.

"I sold a lot of things to someone." F/N blinked as he held out the exact amount he owed and put the rest in his bag.

"Uh huh...and what exactly did you sell to gain that much? Your left kidney?" The woman raised a brow as she accepted the money.

"...You can sell body parts for money?" He blinked. "I gotta find out how much one kidney is worth..." Having two is overrated anyway.

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