Chapter 17

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"He looks worn out as always." She looked at her brother who was sleeping soundly on the sofa once again. Why does he even sleep here? Sure he wakes up early from what he says but does he not have enough energy to get back to bed instead of sleeping here on the sofa?

It makes her wonder what he's doing while he wakes up early... Today he looks to be sleeping uncomfortably on the sofa.

Amy closed her eyes and felt a stir. "Put him back in bed where he can rest comfortably." Behind her, the layout of her shadow rose from the ground. "There's still time for him to continue resting before the others serve him breakfast." About an hour left to be exact. That's an hour for her brother to continue sleeping.

She watched as her "doppelganger" carried her brother back to the room with ease. With a calm sigh, she looked at the bag next to the sofa that her brother left with him all the time. She picked up the bag and was not surprised as it didn't weigh much. The bag follows her brother wherever he goes. It's to be expected of course.

Such an important bag would be kept around constantly by her brother. Leaving the bag where it can be noticed, she then left the area and went to her office. As she arrived, she placed her tablet down right on her desk and pressed a button on her desk phone.

"This is Captain Amy clocking in. Also, I would like the usual."

["Not even a good morning? How rude, Captain."]

"Yeah yeah." She was used to the antics of her supervisors so she didn't bother.

["Anyway, the usual breakfast shall be sent your way."] Ai-Chan's voice was heard through the speaker.

"Moving that out of the way what is on today's schedule."

["Some Valkyries sent in requests for reinforcements that need approval. There's also a request for supplies needed in some of the camps as supplies are plummeting in terms of food and water. Some information has been sent in of the usual like monster activity around the world."] Ai-Chan went on and on as she listed things that were on today's lists. ["There's still more to tell you but there's also some news I wish to tell you."]

"I see. Tell me the news and then continue with my schedule."

["Himeko and Bianka are coming back from their personal missions around twelve. From what they've informed me."]

"Those two huh? Well, it seems like my brother would be more busy having to deal with others now."

["Young Captain... I did miss him all these years. It's great to finally have him back. Even though his memories are gone of us."] Ai-Chan said sadly. ["But that's why we'll just have to create new ones! And hopefully, there's a way to have him regain them."] She tried to be enthusiastic as being pessimistic will do nothing.

"We are lucky that everyone is out and about doing their own things. If everyone was here in the Hyperion at the same time, it would certainly be chaotic. And that would certainly leave me with more paperwork." She didn't care much. The only thing that she did care about was not having to work more than she already does. That's why they've been taking their time with having everyone slowly learn of her brother's existence. That way things may not escalate. Everyone here is kinda... "loose" in the head.

["Ehe... I suppose you are right."] Ai-Chan chuckled. ["I wonder if I should upgrade the security..."]

"What brought this up?" It was odd for Ai-Chan to consider upgrading the system out of nowhere when it's been doing well all this time.

["There's been a few false detections in the system about it being tampered with. However, when looking through the system I see no changes."] Ai-Chan hummed as she was thinking. ["The system could just be having some bug issues that I might need to look deeper into. So far it looks like nothing has been tampered with and even Bronya had a look into the system."]

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