Chapter 9

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Is this Kiana? No...what is this? The strands of hairs on his arms stood still. He feels an immense pressure as Kiana(?) stares at him. Out of instinct he got up from his chair quickly and moved back. He reached for his sword strapped to his side but realized that he didn't have it on him when he grabbed nothing but air.

"It's alright." F/N turned to look at Mei who spoke up. "She's not an enemy. She's not gonna harm you..."

"..." F/N stared worriedly at the eyes that were still looking at him. He looked at everyone else as they didn't react with worry. "What...What's going on?" The outfit change, the eyes, the sudden voice change...none of this makes sense. His eyes widened.

I've read stories of people being possessed by spirits. Both in mythology, urban legends, and so forth...this person clearly isn't the same Kiana. Were those readings all true then about spirit possession?

"That is the Herrscher of the Void." Kallen said to F/N. "You can say that she and Kiana are like two sides of a coin. They can swap places, as in they take turns using that singular body. Kiana is still here, except she's not the one in control of her body right now." She explained to F/N.

"..." HoV remained silent waiting to see F/N's reaction to her identity.

F/N remained silent at the reveal of what happened to Kiana and who was looking at him. He eased up slightly, although HoV's gaze was still staring at him, if the others were saying she was not an enemy, then he could ease up for now. He looked right at the "Herrscher" and blinked. "Um...What exactly is a Herrscher, miss?" He asked the "Herrscher" directly. Still slightly worried.

It was because of instinct that he instantly got into fight or flight mode. The authoritative tone of this "Herrscher" terrified him to no end, and her overall presence screamed of destruction.

"Herrschers are gods in a way." HoV said in a simple tone. She didn't go into depth given she's not sure the boy in front of her will be able to fully comprehend the truth. She also didn't wish to reveal how Herrschers are commonly known as humanity's enemy and destroyer. "You can say the pinnacle of strength. We have authority over different things. An example is that I am the Herrscher of the Void."

A god!? F/N blinked at the reveal. Is this what Adam meant? He recalled Adam saying that some of the Valkyries are at a tier of their own.

"She's not the only Herrscher. I too am one." Mei said.

"As am I." Bronya said.

"...W-What?" F/N blinked at the reveal. "So you're super super strong?"

"Yes..." HoV, Mei, and Bronya said.

No way... F/N thought with awe, his uneasiness washed away as admiration filled him once again. If I wanna be at their level then I'm gonna have to push myself more when I'm training!

"Now that this issue has been solved, let us continue to what I have to say to you." HoV said with a serious tone. F/N looked at the Herrscher and blinked. "In no way will you be allowed to become a Knight."

"A Knight?" F/N tilted his head with confusion.

"It's the equivalence of a Valkyrie. Adam is a Knight." Mei explained.

"Cool!" F/N said with a smile. The title of a Knight sounds cooler than a Valkyrie. "I don't get it...why can't I be a Knight?" He looked at HoV.

"Fighting on the battlefield isn't something you should worry about. The monsters are for professionals to handle." HoV looked at the boy in front of her with a frown. "You may have power but you're still very inexperienced from your results against the human." She was referring to Adam.

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