Chapter 6

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"So tell me why it was reported to me that you were going to jump off the Hyperion?" Amy stared at her brother who shifted awkwardly in the chair as he sat the opposite from her.

"I'm telling you this is all a misunderstanding!" F/N said to Amy as he didn't get to explain anything first to the woman who thought he was throwing his life away. He recalled the woman quickly taking him back inside and leading him to Amy and reporting what she saw while also wishing for an explanation on why they didn't tell her anything about his existence and if the others knew as well.

He was confused about the question but Amy told Kallen that she would talk to her later and first needs to speak with him about what transpired.

"Explain." Amy said with a cold voice as she rested her hand on her cheek as the information Kallen told her wasn't sitting pleasantly with her.

Why do I suddenly feel chilly? F/N shivered as the gaze he felt from Amy made him feel frozen in place. With courage, he met her gaze as he told the events that happened from his perspective to prove he wasn't doing anything stupid.

Amy listened to the explanation as she closed her eyes once her brother finished talking. "Clearly this has all been a huge misunderstanding..." Hearing the other side of the story in the context that was given to her lets her get a clearer picture of the event that happened. She saw her brother sigh with relief but she then stared at him with disapproval. "Failing to inform others of your departure and leaving without permission is prohibited. If you wished to head out then you should've informed me so I could have someone follow you."

F/N winced as he realized he didn't off Scott-Free from being in trouble. "Well, I figured you might be too busy... So I didn't wish to bother you while you're working." He mumbled as he tried to avert his gaze. He's still not fully comfortable and so he finds it awkward talking to his sister. "I'm able to take care of myself just fine. I don't need someone to look out for me while I'm out." He persisted as his sister's words of having someone follow him around didn't sit well with him.

"I understand your concern but this is to make sure that nothing bad happens." Amy said as she saw her brother frown at the words that left her mouth. "Although I may be working, if you ever wish to ask of something or speak to me, then I will be available. You won't be any bother." She does her tasks like they're chores. She can multitask effectively, essentially allowing herself to have a conversation with someone while reading and signing documents. She's been a Captain for years now, this job is known like the back of her hand.

F/N listened silently as he digested her words. "I'm not gonna be in trouble because of this fiasco, am I?" He hopes not. Otherwise, that wouldn't be fair. "Although we are high up, I would've survived a jump from such altitude. I've jumped from higher heights anyway! You'd be surprised by how many big mountains exist out there."

"No doubt mountains that reach the heavens exist." Amy agreed with her brother as he tried to reason. "However that was still dangerous of you."

"But I'm not in trouble am I?"

"...You're off the hook... For now."

"I don't like how ominous that sounded." F/N muttered as he saw Amy shrug with an unbothered expression.

"You'll wait outside my office. I have to speak to Kallen." Amy told her brother who nodded.

"Is there a reason why I have to wait? I want to explore the city as possible."

"Patience young one. You have all day." Amy said. "Now wait outside as I talk to Kallen."

"Kallen? Is that the name of that stranger?"

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