Chapter 10

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Alright now...let's see if they have a shop around here where I can sell my stuff. F/N took out his glasses from his pocket and equipped them. He tapped once again on the side of his glasses as his vision was filled with numerous lines of code.

The lines of code then disappeared as his vision was filled with data of places around him. He looked at the local food stand nearby and the fruits were scanned.

A catalog of the different fruits in the stand was shown with pictures and detailed descriptions of the fruit. A review of the food stand was displayed as he crossed his arms and read over it.

Once glancing at a place with his glasses, he gets a whole summary of what the place is and the reviews of customers should the place be a shop. His glasses collect the known information that already exists on the internet and display it for him.

"The fruit from there are pretty fresh..." F/N mumbled as he read over the positive reviews that the food stand had. "A bit pricey but that must be because of inflation... I wouldn't be surprised since we are living in the apocalypse." He sighed at the prices. However, money shouldn't be a problem once he finds a place to sell his stuff.

Video game Store, desserts...might go there later. Bookstore, furniture store... Each passing glance outlines a specific building and what that building exactly is. He smiled as he saw a few buildings that interested him.

"I wonder if this place always plays music this loud at night? It's like a whole festival." F/N reached the central area and the place was filled with people. A live band seems to be playing. " just seems like this area is the livelier part of the underground city." He finds himself tapping his foot repeatedly at the rhythm of the song.

Hey. This ain't that bad actually. A smile slowly formed on his face at the environment around him. Everyone around him were in joyful spirits. People were dancing, drinking, eating, playing carnival games. Talk about a vibe. This place does look fun to hang around at late night. Another note for later.

Having decided he'd seen enough for now, he continued to march onward as he left the central area of the city. He would walk past others as he does his best to not come in physical contact with them.


He walked past many amazing places, all of which were eye-catching. I also managed to talk to a few people! Complete strangers. He managed to talk to complete strangers. He asked them for help, such as directions and even recommendations to what shops to go to, and restaurants since he was new. After that, he would skidaddle on out and then raise his fist into the air once far away realizing he succeeded in talking to another person.

Boy, do I look like a lunatic... Dumbly enough, he forgets that he's in a public area and he would be met with people staring at him or sometimes earning whispers or on rarer occasions, people laughing. And that's how my social skills plummet back to 0%... What a shame. Socializing is too hard.

"Aside from my social anxiety...where the hell am I anyway?" F/N put his hands on his hips and raised a brow as he looked around. The place was quieter and not a single person was around. "Must've taken the wrong turn. Plus I got distracted now that I think of it." He hummed as he looked down at the ground and shook his head, all the while tapping on the ground beneath him as he realized all his pondering and not paying attention ended him lost.

"Now let's see what's around here." He gently tapped on the side of his glasses as he began scanning the area buildings to see if they were anything interesting.

"That's...!" His glasses picked up a specific building as he read through the details. "A blacksmith! Maybe I can sell some stuff there!" Walking over to the building he looked at it with a bit of skepticism. From the outside, the building looks ordinary. There's nothing that stands out that says that the place is a shop.

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