Chapter 16

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"I gotta say. He's still hard-headed as always."

"What are you talking about? If it's mean then I'll have you know I'm not hard-headed, just determined is all."

"You are quick to assume I was speaking of you." She looked over at her traveling companion as the two strode through the city ruins. The man adjusted his belt and looked around with an impassive expression.

"Ah. What did he do this time?" Blake can only ask Prometheus.

"It's nothing horrible. Simply put he had been defeated multiple times by Sirin. He's still determined to win regardless of the fact he lost." Prometheus hummed as she closed her eyes and pondered. "It's almost sad honestly, he doesn't even know that he's been fighting an illusion all this time. It looks like he also went ahead and found himself a mentor and instructor."

"Mentor and instructor huh? I suppose that's a start on his journey on winning against the Herrscher of the Void." Blake smiled as he adjusted his glasses. "It's only a matter of time until he wins."

"Indeed." Prometheus agreed nonchalantly at Blake's words. "You gave him that sword after all."

"Indeed I did. My best work that I am proud of. Of course, I have to thank you for helping forge and create the weapon." Blake looked at Prometheus. "Truly, what better legacy of a blacksmith than having created such an obscure weapon? Ah, I could die with no regrets. But not yet, I hope to die of natural causes such as old age after all. There's still a lot I wish to do."

"This place has become infested with monsters." Prometheus eyed the monsters up ahead with boredom. "They should know not to take over a place that doesn't belong to them."

"Well, that's why it's our job to take care of them. Well, mine at least." Strapped on his side, he gripped the hilt of his sword with minimal effort as he drew his blade. "Just stand back and watch as always. Unless I need help then don't interfere."

"Do as you wish...we still have many other places to take care of." Prometheus closed her eyes as she moved to the side, letting the man know he was free to do as he pleased. "..." Her eyes reopened as her attention focused on his sword.

Unlike F/N's sword, the color of the weapon was black and purple. Staring at it with bleakness, she eyed its creator who marched towards death without fear.

She sighed while staring at the clear sky. Cleansing the world of these monsters sure is boring. She prefers having to deal with Kalpas rampage over this. "Oh my Honkai. I can't believe I actually thought that." Dealing with Kalpas. Has she gone insane?

It must be the years finally catching up. The toll of her existence is finally developing after so so sooooo long.


"Another night out." He had waited for the end of the day to come and he had successfully left the Hyperion unnoticed again. In the underground city, he found himself sitting on top of the water tower as he got a better view of the plaza below as he enjoyed listening to the festivities. Occasionally he noticed the glances thrown his way as he saw a few people staring with concern.

He's not sure why but he didn't bother looking back. After all, he feels like if he stares back, anybody will try and start a conversation with him. He doesn't wanna cause a scene so he'll remain quiet for now.

"I gotta remember where the blacksmith shop is." He spoke to no one but himself. "Maybe I can ask to use the forge and practice. I haven't touched an anvil in months, haven't smithed anything." His skills may deteriorate if he doesn't continue using them. Rolling his arm around, he gets up from the ledge he was sitting at as he went down the ladder.

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