Chapter 2

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Theresa hummed as she watched through the glass panel as she saw the redheaded boy, the reincarnated Captain eat the breakfast that was served to him. She looked on as he ate through the meal at a normal pace, but she can see a small smile on his face as he ate. When she arrived to check on him in the morning, she was surprised to see him awake and so she made small talk with him.

When she asked if he was hungry, F/N nodded at her saying that he hasn't eaten in two days before he came in contact with them via rescue. He also told her that he usually ate whatever he found that can be considered edible even if it was molded and expired.

"Must be a miracle for him to eat something this fresh..." She doesn't know much of his living condition beforehand but it doesn't sound ideal. It makes her wonder how he has survived all this time. Still...seeing a smile on the boy's face does make her feel happy as well. Although it's painful to see the man that you once know, have no memory of you at all...making you a stranger in their eyes. Like an illness slowly eating away your memories. Such cases are dementia with the cause of memory loss.

"He tried to leave."

She jumped slightly at the sudden voice by her side as she looked and saw her niece.

"What?" She was confused by what Kiana meant.

"Captain— I mean F/N..." Kiana muttered. "It was midnight and I was walking through the halls. I passed by F/N's room and nobody was there. I panicked and tried to think of something that happened. I found him walking down the hall and he looked like he was nearing the exit. He was probably trying to leave but I stopped him."

Theresa remained quiet for a moment as she went ahead and focused on the boy through the glass panel. She saw as he grabbed a piece of bacon and munched on it happily. "Is there a reason why? Did you ask him?"

"Seems like he woke up in the middle of the night. He mentioned nothing of leaving but he also said he felt quite suffocated being stuck in bed in that room so he decided to go on ahead and explore. Seems like he tried to hide the fact that he was trying to reach the exit given he didn't say anything about it. He also must've thought that I didn't know he was trying to leave."

Theresa frowned as she scratched the side of her. "Some things never change huh...?" Theresa sighed as she thought of the days in the Hyperion. "Seriously, it seems like these sorts of actions of his are engraved into his soul. Just now proves it given he can't stay in one place and just relax."

"What do we do?" Kiana asked.

"I suppose one thing is that we ask him of his whereabouts before he's met us. He told me he hasn't eaten for 2 days before we found him. And that he's been eating anything edible even if poisonous. From mold to expired food."

Kiana winced at the information as she looked over at her former Captain. "That must be why he felt so light when I picked him up. Even though I'm a Valkyrie, I've picked up many children his age and they're all heavier than he was." She said. "So he's underweight..."

"Makes sense if all you've got to eat is scraps." Theresa said. "Don't worry much about him trying to leave. I'm sure there must've been a reason why he did that. Besides, he doesn't seem scared of this place at all. Not to mention he's grateful for our help."

"I hope you're right..."

Theresa smiled softly at her niece as she sensed that she was worried about the former Captain.

"By the way..." She rose a brow at Kiana who decided to speak again. "Do you know anyone by the name Blake Blair?"

"Blake Blair?" Theresa was confused by the sudden question. "Not that I know of, why?" The name does sound Western. That's all she can think of.

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