Chapter 15

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"You are one stubborn fool."

It was morning once again and F/N had challenged HoV to another battle. They were back in the arena.





"Man..." Sitting on the ground while scratching his neck, he looked at HoV who also looked at him.

"I think that's enough for now, don't you think?" She asked with a smirk on her. "Unless you want to lose again."

"For now." F/N sighed as he looked at his sword and then back at her. "I've tired myself out."

Twenty-seven. He has lost twenty-seven times in such a short time. Even with those losses he has not progressed at all against the Herrscher. She took her time with him just like their first battle. Power brings arrogance he supposed.

"Come on. Get up." HoV told him as he complied and tried to get up. With a weak grip on his sword, he lifted himself but his legs were shaking. He fell back down completely worn out. "Need a hand?" He saw her smile arrogantly at his state yet he could hear a slightly softer tone.

"If it isn't much of a bother." He's too worn out after getting his shit rocked. The feeling of defeat leaves a taste of bitterness. He tried throwing energy waves at her, he tried to do new moves yet everything never reached her.

Honestly, I don't think I've ever felt such frustration. He strapped his sword to his side. "How do you do it?" He asked but blinked as HoV helped him up. Except she helped him by picking him up by the collar of his jacket and floated away with him like he was baggage.

"Do what exactly?" HoV exited out the arena with F/N who she had hanging around in the air.

"You're so quick to react." He replied as he furrowed his brows as he recalled the memory of what he saw happen multiple times. "Each time it looks like my attack will land, you're no longer there. Next thing I know you're right next to me." It's scary honestly.

"It's simple speed. As stated before, I'm many levels above you. Your attacks are slow to me." HoV answered. "However, there's one hint I'll give you. What you see can be deceiving. Do not simply trust what you see."

"...What's that supposed to mean?" F/N looked confused.

Talk about cryptic.

"Figure it out." HoV smiled arrogantly as she looked at him. "Even if you figure it out I have many other abilities that I have yet to reveal. So far I've yet to reveal many." It's only a matter of time until he gives up. She can play the long game. She doesn't see any outcome that doesn't end with the boy's defeat.

You much as you like to bloat and be cocky. You still shouldn't be overly confident. Kiana's voice rang through her. You don't want this biting us in the butt later, do you? If you lose it's gonna be all your fault for being cocky! And she does not like that. After all, it was a deal that she didn't want HoV to even agree to. If F/N by any miraculous way wins, then he's able to venture out as he wishes putting him in danger.

He won't win. HoV spoke as if it was a fact. Although I may be messing around, I'm still making sure he won't catch me by surprise or does anything unexpected.

Really? What about when he tricked you in the first battle when you stopped paying attention and looked away from him? You almost got hit! One hit and he wins!

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