Chapter 5

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"Whops you almost got me!"

"Quit lying. If you were serious, I wouldn't hit you at all."

"Now now, there's no need to downplay yourself. I'm pretty sure you can give Lyle a run for his money." Adam smiled as he maneuvered around and parried another strike from the young redhead he's been tasked to test while the others observe.

"Lyle?" F/N blocked a downward strike that was aimed to hit him in the head with his wooden sword.

"A friend. He's just like us as well, although he's not on my level, he's still reliable... I think." If Lyle heard him right now, the man would give him a look of betrayal for sure. Well too bad for him, he could care less. "I think you and him will get along nicely." Sidestepping out of the way, he smirked as he then tripped F/N.

"Oof." F/N felt himself hit the ground roughly as he was gonna get up. However, he was met with the tip of Adam's wooden sword before he can even get up.

"You need to work on making no useless movements. That thrust at me was sluggish and you left yourself open for the enemy to attack. If you're aiming to thrust forth your sword, make sure you don't hesitate and falter. Speed plays a factor while also attacking with power." Adam said who offered his hand to F/N who accepted it. "Not had I'll admit. If you continue training yourself and improving, you'll get better."

"Practice makes perfect after all." F/N was glad to be praised for his skills. Although he doesn't consider himself the best and is quite weak, Adam gave him positive words. "I wonder if I can be strong like you."

"Like me?" Adam asked as he rests his wooden sword over his shoulder. He then smirked as he nodded. "Sure you can. I have more experience on the battlefield and have been training for years now. I don't know how many different types of monsters you've battled, but our little spar there was proof that you are quite experienced. If you continue, you can be stronger than me and hope to surpass the others as well."

"The others?" F/N blinked. "You mean like Kiana Onee-San and the others?" He naturally thought of Kiana, Mei, Bronya, and Christine for the most part.

"Yep!" Adam nodded with a smile as he thought for a moment. "I'm not the strongest out of here and I won't be for a long time. The girls are something else. If you were to put them in a category, they'd have a separate category just for them."

"Woah..." F/N blinked as he didn't think much about the others. He was just glad to meet them because they're Valkyries and they protect the world. He knew they must be strong but... "They're that strong that they're in a separate tier list?"

"Great analogy." Adam smirked. "Yes. If you were to put them in a tier list, then they'd be at the top of the top. You can say I'm around the top too but not at their level where they have a separate category just for them." He hummed as he tapped his foot on the ground.

"You're truly amazing, Adam!" F/N stared at the man with admiration as he saw the older male scratch his head with slight embarrassment.

"You're looking at the wrong guy to admire kid." Adam chuckled.

"Nonsense! I think you're very cool looking! Everyone around here is cool in general!" F/N put his fist to his chest. "That's why I hope to be as cool as you and everyone else!"

Adam chuckled at the boy as he nodded. "You think I'm cool huh?" Children often say things without a filter. If a child thinks you're cool then you must be cool! "Gotta say. It feels nice being called cool by a kid. It makes me feel special!" He scratched his chin as he felt a huge ego boost from being complimented.

Being complimented and looked up to by a kid is the greatest feeling as well.

"Haha!" F/N laughed with innocence as he looked at Adam with respect. "You're kind of funny Adam."

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