Chapter 8

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The amusement park, the mall, the food stands. He was shown a lot of places within the hours they were out. At first, he didn't know what his experience would be like but he found himself pleasantly having fun throughout the day.

It's like a dream come true if he's being honest. He never thought he would see such sights and a busy environment as the years went by. When there were no signs of any civilization when he traveled around the world, he almost believed the fact that only he and his teacher were the only humans on Earth.

On the verge of death's bed, he was proven wrong. It seems like miracles truly exist after all. He frowned a bit as he gripped his bag. All of this is a great experience but it feels like something's missing.

His nose twitched as a sweet aroma filled the place. His stomach growled as he saw a food stand that was selling desserts. And the main smell that he was sniffing was...

"Cinnamon rolls..." The divine smell of cinnamon rolls. Oh how much he has missed them. "Ah... I have no money though..." He mumbled sadly as he remembered that payment was required.

"Why are you getting sad all of a sudden? We're here aren't we?" Kallen asked as she placed her hand against F/N's shoulder who looked at her. "We've been treating you to places what difference will this make?"

"O-Oh. Right." F/N blinked as there was truth in Kallen's words. "I forgot that I was with you two for a moment." What an idiot. He scratched his head with embarrassment. He was so busy thinking of how his day went that he stupidly forgot who he was with even though he thought of them as they showed him around.

"One last stop before we head back. It's getting late." Sakura said. "Dessert is the way to go to finish off our trip."

"All this walking has left me famished I'll admit..." Kallen said.

"Oh? But didn't you buy a bunch of snacks around the stands and stores?" Sakura teased with a smirk.

"I was hungry and walking managed to burn that food away leaving me hungry again." Kallen said as she was flustered. "You're just as guilty as I am."

Is this what they call a lover's quarrel? F/N watched the two in front of him talk back to one another as Kallen was getting slightly heated while Sakura rebutted back any insult thrown her way with a smirk. I wonder if all couples are like this. He's not that knowledgeable in the field of love. He understands that love can be complicated from some of the historical books such as royalty, deities, common fairy tales, etc.

But usually, he's more focused on the action-type stories. Also, he's a huge fan of Shonen manga. Speaking of Shonen...he needs to catch up on the latest chapters of some of his many favorite series. It's been months since he's last read any shonen.

"Here you go. One fresh and very warm cinnamon bun." Looking at the cinnamon bun that was in Kallen's hand, his eyes sparkled with joy as he grabbed it. He sniffs at the bun as the sweet aroma hits his nostrils once again. His hands warmed up with the bun as he smiled contently.

"Sweets. Cinnamon buns. The best things in the world... Hahaha!" F/N laughed happily in joy as he blocked out everything around him and only focused on chewing down the dessert.

Kallen, Sakura, and the baker watched as F/N radiated with brightness as he laughed while eating his cinnamon bun.

"Children. They get so happy from the simplest things..." The baker said with a smile as she looked at F/N. "Your son has a beautiful smile and a beautiful laugh. He reminds me so much of my sons and daughters. Look! Aren't they beautiful?" She showed the Valkyrie couple the photos of her children. Ages range from young adults to teenagers, children, and babies.

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