Chapter 1

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W-Where am I? Out of instinct, he found himself jolting upward a few seconds after he opened his eyes and saw the white tile ceiling. He found cords attached to his arm, and he was bandaged up. Still confused about how he got here, he couldn't help but feel panicked at the thought. Why is he bandaged up? Why does he have these cords attached to him? Where's his bag? His clothing is gone and replaced by a hospital gown.

"It's alright. Don't panic." His gaze turned to the voice that spoke to him as he turned to look at the door that opened without his attention. "You're fine you're fine!"

H-Huh? His nervousness slowly died down as it was replaced by confusion at the person who spoke to him. A...child? The child had white hair and seemed to dress in a religious outfit, specifically her clothing was that of a nun.

She appeared harmless and she inched closer to him and pressed her hand against his forehead. "No fever..." ??? Whispered with confirmation as she went ahead and wrote on her notepad something. "Sorry about that, I was just checking if you had any feverish symptoms as you just woke up."

"Feverish...symptoms?" His guard slowly went down as his mind calmed down. Slowly he looked around the place and observed. From the table in the corner with a computer placed in it, to the IV pole by his side with a blood bag that connects the cords to his arm, and to the heart monitor that beeps. He looked down at himself once again as he observed more carefully and even touched his face.

I'm in a hospital getting treated. He eased up with realization.

"Seems like you've calmed down. Your mind stabilized and allowed you to realize your surroundings and the situation you're in. Tell me, what's the last thing you remembered before you passed out?" The nun asked him with a comforting smile.

He looked at her with silence as he understood that she was being patient with him and is easing him so that he won't feel alarmed. He thinks back to what happened as he remembers why he's here in the hospital bed. "I found a radio in the library and tried to get a signal to call for help. The battery died as soon as I connected with another person and tried many times to turn it back on, even take the batteries out and put them back in but nothing... After that, I lost consciousness at the corner of the back of the library and...woke up to the sound of voices. There were 3 women and 1 man who found me..." He decided not to talk about how he was hugged out of nowhere given the others probably said something.

"What happened beforehand? You had many wounds, cuts on your arms and legs. You also have a sprained ankle." The nun asked as she furrowed her brows a bit.

"Got chased by monsters..." He told the nun as he closed his eyes with a wince. He's still waking up and he still feels fatigued. "Stumbled upon a hive of them... Bundled up in one building and ran for my life. I sprained my ankle jumping off a ledge since the city is not in a good structure. The jump in comparison is the size of 2 trees."

"I see..." The nun said as she understood how the boy got his injuries. "I take it you tried to find a place to rest and hide?"

F/N nodded. "I got far away with luck and hid in the library. That's where I found the radio and where I was found..." He told the nun. He paused as he thought back to the people who found him. "The group that found me...were they the ones who brought me here?"

"That's right." The nun shook her head yes as she smiled. "You passed out because of the loss of blood in your system. If they didn't get there sooner you might've died from blood loss. In the nick of time, we managed to stabilize you and help you. I instantly rushed in here when we got a signal that your heart rate was going crazy."

"I'm sorry..." F/N apologized as he realized that his panicking must've caused a scare.

"Don't be." The nun smiled at him as he felt her ruffle his hair. "Your reaction is justified. After all the last place you were in is different from here. Not to mention your mind abruptly woke up and so you weren't logical and thinking clearly which caused you to panic."

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