Chapter 11

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Waking up early is something she is used to. Albeit that she would prefer to sleep in, she has work to get ready for. The first thing she noticed when waking up was that the presence of her brother by her side wasn't there. In fact, he was not in the room at all.

She didn't think much of it. Her brother probably woke up early after all and is probably in the living room. Even so, it's six in the morning, so she wonders what he's possibly doing so early in the morning.

Before taking a shower, she decided to go ahead and look for her brother first. If any of the others find out he might be "missing" somehow. She would possibly be blamed because those Valkyries are not rational and are crazy. Regardless, she doubts her brother would be missing. The security here is top-notch. That's why she's confident that her brother is elsewhere in the Hyperion and not "missing".

The door opened and she headed to the living room. Immediately upon arriving her thoughts were correct as her brother was sleeping soundly on his side on the couch and his backpack on the ground. She wondered what led to this but didn't put much thought into it. She went ahead and grabbed a light blanket and placed it over him.

Now that she knows that her brother is alright, she'll go ahead and take a shower to prepare herself for the day.


"So what's F/N like, Adam?"

"Well, he's an interesting kid for starters. I sparred with him to test his abilities and he's quite a novice but that doesn't mean he doesn't have room to improve on."

"Do you think we can meet him?"

"I don't see why not."

"I hope he's been adjusting to all of this... Since he's a kid this must be a lot for him."

"He'll be fine. I mean, this is the previous Captain. Right, Senpai?"


"But he doesn't have any recollection of his previous life right?"

"Also correct. Not the previous, or the one before, or the third."

Walking together as a squad of four. The group consists of Adam, Lyle, Timido, and Carole. It was early in the morning, eight o'clock on the dot to be specific. It was quiet in the Hyperion, many still waking up from their good night's rest and others getting ready to start their day.

"Have to say though, he certainly wasn't what I expected when meeting him. Then again, who he once was reset given he's quite different from what we were told." Adam told the three.

"Really? What's he like?" Lyle went ahead and asked.

"At first, he was kinda shy toward us. After a while when we hung out with him and talked to him during the time he was hospitalized he got better at talking with us. He's not very sociable toward people he doesn't know until he gets to know them better since the only person he's ever spoken to most of his life is his adoptive father." Adam explained. "He's quite bright and acts just like a kid his age. Although he is also smart. Funny enough, F/N was considered a smart man in each life of his so it seems like that still didn't change even now. I say smart man but given he's a kid, that means a smart kid no?" He pondered while rubbing his chin proudly.

"You get happy at the dumbest things, Senpai." Carole deadpanned while Adam continued looking proud.

"Isn't that him?" Timido pointed out as the three turned to where she looked.

"Yeah. It is." Adam blinked as he saw F/N sound asleep on the couch in the living room. "What's he sleeping on the couch for anyway?"

"Holy! He looks like a mini Captain if she was a guy!" Carole stared in awe as she looked at the sleeping boy. She quickly realized she was probably too loud.

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