Chapter 12

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Nothing is impossible.

Teacher always told me that if I put my mind to it. That anything in my way of greatness will be conquered eventually. Nothing can be gained without hard effort unless you're born lucky. Even if you do work hard, there's no guarantee that you will be rewarded. You can be screwed over by life.

The eyes that stared at me were a bright gold. My opponent who I stared down kept that gaze of hers fixated on me.


They say that the eyes of a person can show how much power they have. The eyes that stare at me show absolute power. Her eyes are boring into my very soul. I can't help but exaggerate because that is what I feel. Yes, those eyes aren't just a normal person's.

I'm going to fight against a Valkyrie. Not just any Valkyrie...but a god. A Herrscher, mankind's enemy yet...they're on our side? It's a strange thing honestly. Regardless, the wall in my way of becoming a Knight and taking on missions is a god.

The deal is simple. Land a single hit on her and I get to do what I want. It's a simple goal. It really is...however, the one I'm supposed to land a hit on is a god! The "Herrscher of the Void"!

Man...what a bad matchup. I'm pretty sure anyone else would be a bad matchup for me. I'm not that strong. Yet, that is.

Her eyes are staring at me. And even now I can tell she isn't taking me seriously. She's calm and I can't tell what she's thinking. One thing for certain is that she will win. I know our skills are two worlds apart. I don't know how much experience she has, but she harbors the title of a Herrscher. That means she has the power to back up her title.

"Well? Whenever you're ready." HoV spoke to him as she remained floating above the ground, one leg over the other as if she was sitting with an impassive expression. "I'm interested to see how long you will last. But I will spoil it for you, it won't even be ten seconds. Perhaps less than that."

"Um...give me a minute." He replied to her.

"By all means take your time." HoV calmly said.

They were centered in an arena and he stood on the opposite side of his opponent.

My opponent is by far many miles above me. Being realistic here, unless I use my wits then I can land a hit on her. Not everything is about power. In battle, you can easily turn the tides against your foe. The most powerful of beings can be defeated by the mind.

Strength isn't everything. The weak can still win should they use their cunningness. To win against Void-Chan in my first battle against her is but delusional. I would be lying to myself. She has no idea what I'm capable of but I have no idea what she's capable of. Even then I have many disadvantages. She may not know what I'm capable of but she can easily defeat me regardless. Whatever I throw at her may not be anything new. And even if it is new, my strength, speed, durability, everything is guaranteed to be weaker than her.

Like a video game, it's best to say I'm a low-level novice fighting against an end-game boss. I know nothing, I'm fighting blindly for the first time against my opponent. That is terrifying because I'm so under-leveled that I'll be dead with a simple slap from the boss.

I know nothing of what she can do. But that's I know more and more of what she can do, then I can come up with strategies. What patterns do I notice when she attacks? What vulnerable spots does leave open?

"I think I'm ready now." He told her as he went ahead and gripped his sword strapped to his— "Eh?" His entire expression changed as he had a derpy expression as he felt nothing when he went to grasp his sword by the handle.

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