Chapter 7

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"Now this is an exciting environment." F/N grinned as he snapped a photo with his phone at the view of the city. Although still a bit nervous seeing other humans, he doesn't worry much because so long as he doesn't interact with them, they won't interact with him. "A city that isn't abandoned and overrun by monsters." His eyes looked around, doing his best to capture every detail to burn into his memory.

"The city is busy as usual. Areas are still under construction from the damage the place has taken over the years." Kallen said as the three of them walked around. "There are many places that we can go to. There's an amusement park, the mall, the museum, if anything interests you we can go."

Looking at a specific skyscraper, the redhead stared with silence as it was the tallest building out of all of them. Compared to the other cities, that skyscraper towers above any buildings the others had. He wonders how the view will look from up there. He'll figure it out later. "I don't know." He replied as he didn't give it much thought. Everywhere he goes he can't help but be amazed. "Although one thing is for sure, this city sure has a lot of advertisements and screens on display, huh?" It makes him wonder how much electricity is being used daily.

"The city is full of billboards and screens... Even at night, the place is illuminated with all the light." Sakura said. "Kallen, do you have any suggestions on where we can take F/N?"

"Un..." Kallen furrowed her brows with an aloof expression. "What about the nearby park? Are you interested in going to the park?"

She received a shrug as F/N didn't have any other idea. "If we're able to..." He responded with a nod as Kallen's face brightened up causing him to look at her. Her smile really resembles Kiana Onee-San... That's one way to see that they're related.


"Mama mama! Look at me!"

So this is what a lively park looks like... F/N thought as he saw a lot of families together. He saw an old couple sitting together as they fed the birds by throwing bread crumbs. He saw a lone businessman sitting on a bench as he ate a bento that was sitting on his lap.

His eyes twitched with concern as he saw a man dressed like a monk with long black hair tied back and stitches on his forehead who was blowing bubbles on top of the playground area. Around the man were three... Weirdos. I'll classify them as weirdos. A man with a patchwork face running happily and playing around with the children followed by a literal monster who expressed the same joy as they chase after the bubbles. He saw a being whose head was shaped like a volcano and had one singular eye that reminded him of a cyclops as it talked to the monk on top of the playground.

Those are clearly dangerous people! What kind of monk blows bubbles while speaking to a one-eyed volcano-head monster!? This all screams danger! And how is nobody reacting to it!? Is this normal?

Overall, he's seen many different people of all age groups. A park as lively as this is nice. The trees haven't withered away and the grass is the greenest of green. Unlike the depressing parks he's come across because no one maintained them as the city has been abandoned.

"This park is huge..." He was amazed at the fact alongside the huge pond in the center of it all. "There's a lot of people as well. Is the park always this popular?" He looked at Sakura.

"Indeed. The local park is quite an attraction. The place is always lively and it's peaceful and quiet in some areas." Sakura looked around while she was on guard in case anything were to happen. "The playground is popular for the children. You might like it yourself."

"Maybe. I like playing on the swings." F/N told her as he recalled vividly as he swung himself with a constant momentum in the past when he stopped by the parks he'd seen. "It reminds me of teach as well..."

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