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It's a cool September morning, and my friends and I are playing, soccer, volleyball, family, uno, and so many other games that I can hardly remember.
We children are unpredictable, and as always we play in the middle of the road. But this isn't a problem, because we all know each other in the ghetto, and we know that we children play right there, so the cars go slowly.
But that day was not like that.

Estefan<<Guys I'm bored of playing family, let's play soccer!!!>> he said in an annoyed tone.
Alisia<<Come on, let's play football every day!!>>
Cook<<come on guys don't start arguing!>>
iris<<indeed guys cook is right>>
Estefan<<but it's not fair!!!!>>
Alisia<<this shut up>>
Estefan<<eeeh gne gne>>
Alisia<<I'll beat you>> I said starting to run after him.

We stopped as a black pickup truck drove by.
All of us kids stop to look at it, thought it was an ice cream truck? or that a parcel had arrived.
Not even the time to figure out what it was when the door opens, and a man with a balaclava comes down from there, and comes against me.
Obviously, being only 6 years old, I was unable to rebel. He pulled me hard and locked me in the truck. While I heard the other boys banging their fists against the truck and yelling <<LET HER OUT>> there was no way to convince them, and they left.
They left for I don't know where, in this van there isn't even a window.
It's all dark, what do I do at this point?
I squatted down and fell asleep.

I snapped awake from the moment the doors opened, and the light came in, blinding my eyes.
One of the guys picked me up, and I pressed my face into his chest, holding my head.
I can only see out of the corner of my eye.
We enter this house, made of red bricks, the guy keeps walking, and takes me to the back garden, where there is a wooden house.
We go inside, and he turns on a light bulb.
Why am I here?

The two finally took off their balaclavas, they were two gentlemen, one blond and one dark.
The blond approached me, and I took off my favorite shirt, minnie. He threw her to the ground, and picked me up in his arms.
He sat me on the floor with my back against the wall. He first grabbed my arm, then the other, and pinned me to the wall with handcuffs.

There I was, sitting on the ground, trying to figure out what they wanted to do.
I was only 6 years old, could I ever imagine what awaited me?

The dark-haired gentleman left the wooden house, but after a while he entered again with a blue box in his hand.
Things? maybe it's a gift for me!?
He opens it, and takes out something, I don't know where it is, it's square in shape, and it's blue.
If they want to give me a gift they made a mistake, I don't like blue!
That gentleman passed one to the blond.
And they both started taking off their clothes.
What are they doing? Maybe they need to change?
I closed my eyes, but I've always been a curious child, so I open them again.
They were naked, NAKED?!?
They both opened those blue things, and a balloon came out? what is that stuff?
They blew into it, and stuck their own, well there, you get the idea.
Hm? what are they going to do?

I thought naive at only 6 years old.

the blond gentleman approached me, and pulled my pants down.
dark-haired guy <<it's useless to scream, no one will hear you>>
At those words I realized that maybe those weren't balloons, and what they wanted to give me wasn't a gift..

The blond gentleman also took off Minnie's panties, and threw them together with the trousers.
I'm naked, why? what are they to do?
He approached me, and put his member inside me, violently.

What do you expect from a girl who has never had sex? Obviously pain, and screams.

I started screaming and crying in pain.
But he didn't stop, he made strange noises.
After a while he comes out of me, and the other one enters, he goes even faster and stronger. I'm exploding, my legs starting to shake around his hips.
dark-haired guy <<You're enjoying it>> he said in a tired tone and always making those verses.
blond guy<<I don't think so>> he said laughing.
After a while he too comes out, and they turn me around. And now what do they want to do?
I don't know which of the two, but he puts it behind me with arrogance. It hurt even more than before.
Of course, the other did as well.
Those balloons were lifted from there, and the blond approached my face.
Blonde<<Open your mouth, OPEN YOUR MOUTH>>
I swallow hard, and do what
he told me.
And you can't believe it, he put that disgusting thing in my mouth, I was about to throw up, disgusting. He went back and forth.

They went on like this for I don't know how long, and how many hours.

They did this continuously for three days.

While the dark put me forward with violence, I hear a bang, as if someone had broken down a door.
I slowly turn my head, and I see my father, followed by two of his men.
On his left hand he has a glove, on his right he has a knife.
The dark quickly comes out of me, and stands up.
My father's two men block those two, and my father approaches them.
With her left hand he takes his member in her hand, and with the knife in her right hand he cuts it off, first one and then another.
At that scene, and all that blood I closed my eyes.
Then I hear two powerful blows, I open my eyes and see the two lying lifeless on the ground.

Garcîa<<TURN!>> orders his men.
The two obey, and turn around.
My father walks up to me, takes off my handcuffs, and wraps me in a blanket, all of this with tears in his eyes. It was the first and last time I saw my father cry.

We walked out of that house, and got into dad's car, and then went to the hospital.
Once they arrived, they did some checks on me.
They say everything is fine, and that I have no internal injuries. What are they? Bah.

My father then took me back to the car, and we got home.
I fell asleep on his shoulder. I only remember waking up on my bed with my dad next to me.
Garcîa<<Ali how about if you take a bath?>>
I nod and dad picks me up, takes me to the bathroom and turns on the water in the bathtub.
Garcîa gently removes the blanket from me, and puts me in the warm water of the tub.
Garcîa<<Alisia I'm going downstairs, as soon as you've done call me ok?>>
Alisia<<it's okay dad>>
Garcîa came out of the bathroom and I sat there thinking.

Did they do to me what I see in the movies? those scenes where dad says "cover your eyes", which I never do because I'm curious to see.
So now I'm dirty? I feel like that.

And needless to say that after that fucking day, as soon as I had the chance, Medusa, a figure from Greek mythology, appeared on my right arm. The woman who truly went through what I went through, the only one who could understand me.

My kind of man (ENGLISH)-Tomkaulitz-Where stories live. Discover now