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I get out of his room and take a deep breath.

I see Garcîa going back and forth in the corridor outside Alisia's door.

Garcîa<<then?! Have you already done it? >>

Tom<<no,em.. he asked me.. well you see, if she could buy the test>>

Garcîa<<give me some stoned you, anyway why? You can't go? >>

Tom<<asked me if.. em.. if.. I could take a bath with her>> I said not chanting the last words well.

Garcîa took a long breath.

Garcîa<< YOU ARE BY CHANCE CRAZY YOU WANT TO FUCK IT TOO UGLY FUCK PERVERT! >> he took me and slammed me against the wall.

Alisia<<DADDDD>> we heard her screaming from the bathroom.

He left me and immediately went in front of the bathroom.

Alisia<<dad don't come in, but please, let tom stay>>

Garcîa<<and that's fine! >>he said looking back.

Garcîa looked at me.

Garcîa<< I repeat, touch it, and I'll cut you that shit that you find ok? OK?! >>

Tom<<ok! >>

He left the room, and I went back to the bathroom.

Where I saw Alisia sitting in the empty bathtub.

I approached her.

Tom<<are you sure you want to take a bath with me? >>

Alisia<<don't do anything to me>>

Tom<<are you crazy?! Of course I won't do anything to you. >>

I leaned over to the tap in Alisia's large bathtub, and had her filled with hot water.

Tom<<Wait get out>> I took her in my arms and sat her on the toilet.

I started undressing.

I took off my shirt, then my pants, my socks, and finally my boxer.

I looked at Alisia, who opened her eyes wide looking at the

My member.

Then he looked at me and swallowed.

Tom<<Alisia I don't do anything to you>> I say going towards her and then hugging her.

We waited for the tub to fill up.

I put soap in it, and then took Alisia in my arms.

He had his legs wrapped around the

My life.

I went into the bathtub, and gently descended into the water.

She didn't get up from me, and she was hugged in the same position.

Tom<<in the car I have some roses for you, maybe I'll bring them to you later if you like>>

Alisia<<really? >> he said raising his eyes to look at me.


Alisia<<I love roses! >> he said smiling.

I smiled too and kissed her on the forehead.

He put his head back on my chest.

Why? Why does a good-hearted girl like her have to suffer this?

I took some water with my hand and brought it to his back by gently caressing it.

My kind of man (ENGLISH)-Tomkaulitz-Where stories live. Discover now