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I started washing and shampooing.

I used a shampoo and soap that was there in the shower.

Tom<<Alisia, are you okay?>> he asked me without entering.
Tom<<can I come in?>>
Alisia<<I'm still under the shower- EXIT TOM!>> I said as I turned around and then covered myself with my hands.

He undressed and got into the shower with me.
A few tears rolled down my face, thinking about what happened to me in the past.

I'm scared, I'm scared that Tom will fuck me.

I feel his cold hands wrap around my waist, then turn me towards him.

I kept covering myself.

Tom<<why are you crying?>> he said taking the soap.
I didn't answer but I started shaking.

He started lathering, then looked at me.
Tom<<and take these hands off!>> pulling away the hands that were covering me.

Alisia<<TOM PLEASE!>>
I squatted down on the floor in the shower, and started to paint with my head between my knees.

Tom rinsed off and got out of the shower.
I raised my head and looked at him.

Tom<<aren't you coming?>> he said opening his bathrobe.
I closed my eyes.

Alisia<<Close your eyes!>>
He closed them and walked over to him and slipped into his bathrobe.

I felt something start pressing right there.

Tom occasionally stroked my back to dry me.

I leaned my head into the hollow of his neck.

He took off the bathrobe and we were naked inside.

He put it on me and walked out of the bathroom like this.

He took I don't know what and went back into the bathroom.

Tom<<hold on!>> gave me boxers and a baggy shirt.

I changed in front of him, as he did with me.

We returned to the room.

Tom<<do you want to fuck?>>
Alisia<<ehh?! no!>>
Tom<<I know you would!>> he said and then put himself on me.

He kissed my neck, and was about to take my shirt off.
Alisia<<tom stop! stop please!>> I panicked.

Alisia<<Why.... Why No and that's it!>>
Tom<<how boring you are>> he said and then lay down and give me his back.

Alisia<<Tom it's not that I'm boring, it's that you men don't understand me! Shit! I can't fuck without thinking about what happened to me! it's not as easy as you think.>> I started to cry.

Tom<<why don't you want? explain it to me so maybe I'll understand.>> he said and then turned around and looked at the ceiling.

Alisia<<I'm scared, memories come to my mind>>
Tom<<and don't think about it>>
Alisia<<Tom is not easy! Even those with cook-there are those as a child I can't help but think about it!>>
Tom<<in what sense those with cook?>>
Alisia<<no I'm confused>>

He turned and looked into my eyes.

Tom<<Alisia? Does Cook fuck you?>>
Tom<<Don't talk shit! you have to tell yours!>>
Tom<<nothing but you have to tell him, what's he doing with you?>>
Alisia<<nothing fucks me with the excuse of "punishing" me>>
Tom<<WHAT AN ASSHOLE! if I see him I swear I'll kill him!>>

I didn't answer because he wasn't entirely wrong.

Tom<<Alisia promise me you'll tell your parents>>
Alisia<<..yes..>>I said doubtfully.

Tom<<come>> he said opening his arms.

I slingshot into it, as if it were a lifeline.
I feel safe in his arms.
This should never have happened, but it's so nice to be with him.

The next morning I woke up first.

I was with half my body on tom, and his hand was in my boxer touching my ass.
I'm dead of pussy.

He woke up abruptly too.
Alisia<<but you are an asshole! you scared me>>
Tom<<what do you want>>changed his voice,SHIT! this man is damn sexy.

He groped my ass.
Alisia<<stop it>>
He didn't stop.
Alisia<<come on tom enough!>>
He giggled and continued.

So I got out of bed, grabbed my jeans and put them on.

Tom<<You won't give me boxers?>>
Alisia<<Do I go home without? asshole!>>
Tom<<if you want!>>
Tom<<with you how can you not be>>
Alicia<<stop it! pedophile!>>
Tom<<I'm only 21>>
Alisia<<yes exactly, and I'm a minor!>>
Tom<<little girl>>

I rolled my eyes and picked up my bra.
I turned around and took off my shirt, but not even time to do that Tom stood behind me, and then groped my boobs.

Alisia<<TOM ENOUGH!!>>I said squirming.
She pulled away and I hurriedly put on my bra.

I put on the black shirt from the day before, and turned to Tom.

He is sitting on the corner of his bed.
Tom<<brush your teeth, and then I'll brush them>>
Alisia<<can you give me a toothbrush?>>
Tom<<use mine>>
Alisia<<no that sucks!>>
Tom<<then don't wash them>>
Alisia<<you're a piece of shit!>> she said entering the bathroom and then brushing my teeth and face.

After me, Tom washed them.

Alisia<<could you accompany me?!>>
Tom<<and where?>>
Alisia<<asshole at home>>

Tom<<oh well better, I'll get jessika up>>
Alisia<<who is it?!- oh well I don't care, can you accompany me?!>>
Tom<<yes, so I'll fuck in peace>>
Alisia<<Fuck whoever you want! let's go>>

The throat? I have a lump in my throat, why?
Maybe because you're jealous
Yes and whose?
Say jessika, you're not the only woman tom touches!
But what the fuck do I care!

Tom<<so? shall we go?>>

Alisia<<em.. yes!>>
Tom<<do you want to stay?>>
Alisia<<absolutely not!>> she started laughing.

Alisia<<What the fuck are you laughing at?>>
Tom<<because you try to convince yourself that you don't like being with me!>>

Alisia<<kaulitz wake up! I see you are in a deep dream!>>

We go down the stairs, and the mother came to greet us.
He hugged me and I smiled back.

We left the house and got into his black Audi.


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