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Tom<<fine, NOW GO AWAY!>>I said before slamming my fists on the sink.

I returned to Alisia as if nothing had happened.
Alisia<<Tom, is everything ok?>>

Alisia<<Tom are you there?!!>>
I came to my senses from the moment he ran his hands over my face.

Alisia<<are you okay?>>
Alisia<<Here are the pizzas!>>He exclaims happily.

The waiter placed them at our table.
And we started eating.

I looked at Alisia bite by bite.
For how he took that pizza in his mouth.

I have to stop!

We ran out of pizzas.

I got up to go pay.

Alisia<<I'll pay mine>> He said getting up.
I didn't answer it and went to pay for both.

We left the pizzeria and Alisia took my hand making me stop.

Alisia<<did your father force you?>> she said leaving my hand.
Alisia<<to go out with me>>
Tom<<Alisia what are you saying!>>
He raised an eyebrow.

Tom<<Let's come on!>> I took her by the hand.

~Alisia pov's~
Should I trust Tom or not?

He took my hand and we started walking towards the beach.
It's now dark it's 10:29.

We arrived on the beach and it was just us.

Tom<<shall we take a bath?>> he asked me.
Alisia<<are you crazy? I don't have the costume>>
Tom<<so what?>>
Alisia<<then nothing! I won't do it>>
Tom<<have you already forgotten that I saw you in your underwear?>>
Alisia<<It has nothing to do with it! pervert!>>

Tom took off his shirt.
Tom<<come on! we are alone>>

I don't know how but that asshole convinced me.
I undressed and followed him towards the sea.

Alisia<<It's hot!>>
Tom<<mh indeed>>

It's damn sexy.

~Tom pov's~
She looks so sexy in those lace underwear!
I kept going until I plunged into the
water almost completely.

Alisia joined me.
I went even further where I only touched with my toes.
Alisia followed me, but being a dwarf she didn't touch.

He clung to me, and obviously with the excuse of holding her I put my hands on his ass.

Alisia<<Kaulitz hands!>>
Tom<<because when you get angry you call me
Alisia<<What the fuck do I know! now off>>
Tom<<what balls>> I rested them on the hips anyway.

Alisia<<however I wanted you->>
I went underwater, not letting him finish the sentence.

Tom<<you make me laugh too much when you call me kaulitz>>I said giggling.
Alisia<<and what should I call you? hmm? stoned?!>>

Suddenly we heard police cars.
And then we saw flashing lights.

The cars stopped right in front of the beach.


                           ~Alisia pov's~
He picked me up and started running out of the water.

We arrived on the beach, I only put on the trousers, and I barely buttoned them.

Policeman<<Tom kaulitz stop NOW!>>
Tom pulled a pistol from his pocket and stood in front of me.
Tom<<at my go let's run towards the other stairs ok?>> he said in a whisper.

I had my shirt in my hand, and tom's too, his and my phone in my pocket.


The policemen advanced pointing their guns at Tom.

I started running like never before.

As I ran without looking back I heard a shot.
I turned around, and saw Tom fall to the ground.

Alisia<<NO NO NO NO TOM GET UP!>> I started to get agitated, I don't know what to do.

Alisia<<COME I'M HERE!>>I pulled him by the arm and we continued running.

We dispersed in the crowd.

To then reach the car.
We got into the car, and the cops kept chasing us.

Alisia<<AND NOW WHERE DO WE GO?! Your arm hurt too! shit! >> I started to cry nervously.
Tom<<Alisia fuck don't cry! it's all OK! I'm fine!>>

He started driving fast.

Tom<<Alisia take my phone>>
Tom<<Unlock it the password is 1989>>
Alisia<<ok now?>>
Tom<<call " Egon" and put on speakerphone>>

I called him.

Tom<<Dad get someone out of the ghetto the police are chasing us>>
Egon<<ok, but who are you with>>
Tom<<then I'll explain, hurry up>>
Egon<<that's fine!>>

I attacked.

Alisia<<ARE YOU CRAZY?! you have to go to the hospital!
and then I can't come to your house, your father would kill me!>>
Tom<<Alisia don't worry!>>

We got to the ghetto, she started running inside, while the police stopped outside, and Tom's men were shooting at her.

He arrived outside his house.

Alisia<<Tom come where!? we have to run to the hospital!>>

I shielded myself with my hands, waiting for his slap, but that didn't happen.

I saw him approach his front door.
So I did too.

Did he knock and it was our mother who opened the door for us? I think, still a woman.

Adalia<<Tom darling, are you all right? Hello>> he said smiling.

Alisia<<Hello ma'am, my pleasure is Alisia>>
Adalia<<my pleasure I am Adalia>>
He gave Tom a bright smile and moved to let us in.

He took me to his room and threw himself face up on the bed.

Instead, I just sat on the other side of the bed.
He touched my back, and I shiver.

The door is closed, and we're upstairs, away from the mother.
I admit that it scares me to be alone with Tom in his house.

I turned to him.
Tom<<Aren't you sleepy?>>
Alisia<<a little>>
Tom<<Then go and take a shower and then I'll give you something to wear and let's sleep>>
Alisia<<but? do I sleep here?>>
Tom<<not in the garden>>
Alisia<< ha ha ha>>

He got up and walked me to the bathroom.

Tom<<Dry yourself with my bathrobe>>

Alisia<<ok fine>>
I stared at him.
Alisia<<so? exit>>
Tom<<Why can't I look at you?>>
Alisia<<no! come on tom!>>
Tom<<and that's fine>> he said as he left, he took the key to the bathroom.
I guess so I don't get locked up.

With some anxiety, I began to undress, and entered the shower.


My kind of man (ENGLISH)-Tomkaulitz-Where stories live. Discover now