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We are in the car, and Tom is driving towards my ghetto.

Alisia<<how's the arm?>>
Tom<<well don't worry>>
Alisia<<you should go to a doctor>>
Tom<<what balls! i'm pissed off! >>
Alisia<<I'll take you this afternoon!>>
Tom<<jessika is coming>> he says with a wink.
Tom<<if you want to join jessika don't mind, and neither do I>>
Alisia<<that sucks>>

It's time to get off and say goodbye to Tom.
I turn to him, and hug him, he hugs me back, and strokes my head.

I get out of the car, and as I closed the door Tom stops me.
Tom<<promise me you'll tell your parents that thing?>>
Tom<<good! hello!>>
I walked in my very long ghetto, and I didn't hear Tom's car leave.
So when I got out of my garden by now, I turned around to see if it was still there.
I saw the hand go out the window to then greet me, and I did the same thing.
I entered my house taking a deep breath.

No time to set foot in the house when my father called me.

-Alisia, ready? can you hear me?
-Listen you didn't come back last night, I don't even know where you were, and honestly I don't care, but I still wanted to tell you that mom and I won't be there for 2/3 days, we're negotiating with a gang for drugs, you already know.

-oh! okay dad.

- I left you €300, can you do it? otherwise go to Lucia and then I'll give them back to her.
-ordered a pizza

- Yes, dad, I think I can.
-I'll order it!

-be careful


hmm? but what the fuck does he want now.

-Tom? what's up?

- Listen, joking aside, will you come with me today?

-shouldn't you see jessika?!

-Yes! but I see her at 3 if we go down at 5 it's perfect!

-but you're serious then

- very serious
- Don't say I'm rude! I invited you to join!

- anyway I'll let you know if there are

- What do you have better to do?
-or is it the daddy who won't let you out because you're small?

-fuck your ass! they are not here!

I disconnected the call, and ordered the McDonald's.

But he called me back soon after.

-Tom! you fucked up!

-if you don't come, I'll come to your house!

-No! there are mine- no..em.. NO!

- What the fuck are you saying?!


- aren't yours there!?


-liar! I am coming!

- and jessika?

- I'll fuck her tomorrow! today I fuck you!

- no tom, and by the way I still have to eat so wait.

-send me a message

-oh ok!

The mc donald arrived promptly!
So I went to open the boy.

Alice<<Hello! thanks!>> I said as he handed me the bag from the MC.
X<<You're welcome!>>
Alisia<<how much is it?>>
Alisia<<ok! here she is! goodbye!>>

I ate hurriedly as usual, and texted the pervert.

-you can come!

He answered me after 20 minutes!

- I finish with jessika and I'm coming!

But is he really fucking with this?!!?

After half an hour he knocked on the door.
I was sitting on the sofa and annoyed I got up to go and open it.

Alisia<<Did you at least wash yourself?>>
Tom<<of course!>>

Tom<<but your home is a hotel!>>
Alisia<<yours is no less.>>

Alisia<<are you coming?>>
Tom<<where?!>>said with a wicked smile.
Alisia<<in the room!>>
Tom<<to do?>>
Alisia<<Won't you stop?! pervert!>>

Finally we went up to the room.

Tom<<seriously, what do we do?>>
Alisia<<Tom what do I know! Shit!>>

The phone rang, and it's my dad, fuck!

-Alisia who are you with?


- You're not even smart! you know we have cameras!


-are you still with that?mh?


- as soon as I get back you see! you will never go out again!

And he disconnected the call.

Alisia<<What the fuck!>>I said putting my
nails in the mouth.

I was so nervous that without realizing it I started pacing around the room.

Tom<<shall we go see a movie downstairs?>>
Alisia<<fool the cameras!>>

We went down again and sat on the sofa, side by side.

We chose the film, or rather, Tom chose it.

It hadn't even been 15 minutes that this movie already fucked up.
Alisia<<shall we change? it pisses me off!>>
Tom<<shhhhhh>>he said closing my mouth.
Alisia<<obviously the young gentleman likes it!>>I said in a whisper, as I lay down on his chest.
Alisia<<no! I didn't understand shit! now shut up so I can sleep!>>

I had his left arm wrapped around my waist while his other arm touched my hair.

I'm surprised he hasn't touched me yet!

                               ~Garcîa pov's~
Garcîa<<pipes! show me the cameras of
home!>>I ordered to one of my men.

Garcîa<<I DON'T BELIEVE IT! that piece of shit is on my couch at home! And in addition they are also embraced !! LOOK!>>
Tubi<<Garcîa maybe you should accept the thing, if they love each other that's right!>>
Garcîa<<SHUT UP! They can't love each other! I kill them!>>
Têresa<<Honey, you're right! it is unacceptable! this little girl has no discipline! we must punish her!>>
Garcîa<<trust me I will!>>

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