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Alisia<<tom! TOM?! there you are!>>

Alice<<I'm sorry!>>
Tom<<wiping my ass with your "I'm sorry">>
He said with all the strength he had in his body.

Alisia<<I know, but it's not my fault!>>
He didn't answer me.
I tried to untie myself from the chair to help him, but nothing.

After a while Tom rolled onto his stomach.
And he looked at me.

Tom<<are you crying because you're sorry?>>said smiling slightly.

Alisia<<no! asshole! it's just that you know! the scene I've seen is not the best>>
Tom<<and what should I say!?>>
Alicia<<nothing! you should shut up!>>
Tom<<don't you admit that you feel sorry for me even if I'm about to die?>>
Alisia<<you are not going to die>>
Tom<<so if you were would you say it?>>
Alisia<<no because I'm not sorry>>
He gave a slight chuckle.

Alicia<<good! I see you have the strength to laugh too! now release me!>>
Tom<<don't you like being here with me?>>
Tom<<I think so>>

I didn't answer, and looked the other way.

Tom<<do you know Alisia? You really are a little girl that I would fuck!>>
Alisia<<Stop it! It's a pity they didn't kill you!>>
Tom<<how would you do without me>>
Alisia<<I would live better! I'm sure of it!>>

Alisia<<now release me!>>
Tom rolled over on his stomach, and with all his strength tried to get up.
He sits behind my chair and tries to free me.
Tom<<and let me hear how am I supposed to break this zip tie?>>
Alisia<<with your hands>>
Tom<<Alisia is too tight how the fuck do I do>>
Alisia<<don't you have a knife?>>
Tom<<no, but wait>>
Tom<<I have a lighter>>
Alisia<<what would you like to do?>>
Tom<<This!>> he said, I began to feel an exasperating burning on my wrists.
Tom<<here it is>>

My hands are free, and my wrists are burned!! This is crazy!
He sat down in front of me on the floor.

He put his hands on my ankles and lifted my jeans, and he burned the band, and followed the other one too.

I touched my wrists.
As Tom stood up and lay down on a mattress? what is a mattress doing here.

Tom<<not coming?>>
Alisia<<to do what?>>
Alisia<<I'd rather sleep with rats than with you.>>
I started pacing back and forth in the room.
Alisia<<and now who do I call?! I don't even know where are!>> I thought aloud.

Tom<<come move!>>
He got up from the mattress and violently grabbed me by the arm and then made me sit on that mattress.

But basically you're right, I'm sleepy.
I took the phone out of my pocket, and it's 2:35!?
So I'm sleepy.

I take off my shoes, and lie on my back next to Tom.

Alisia<<at least put your shirt back on!>>
Tom<<are you kidding? it's very hot>>
I turned to the other side with my back to him.
And after a while Tom hugged me from behind.
Alicia<<Tom! get off me!>> I ordered and then removed the arm that wrapped around my waist.
I was trying to sleep, but it's too hot, and there are too many strange noises.
The noises seemed to get closer and closer.
Even though it was hot, a shiver ran down my spine.
I jumped in fear at a loud noise.

So instinctively I turned to Tom's side and hugged him.
He stroked my head softly.

After about 10 minutes I fell asleep.
But shortly after I woke up.
I'm sweating, it's too hot in here.
I moved Tom and sat up.
Tom<<what is it?>>said in a sleepy voice rubbing his eyes.
Alisia<<it's too hot!>>
Tom<<indeed!>> he said and then slipped off those enormous black jeans.
Alisia<<you sleep directly naked right!?!>>
Tom<<as you wish!>> he said lowering his boxers slightly so that I could see something.
Alisia<<TOM!>> stopped.
Tom<<not what you want?>>
Tom<<take your clothes off too! it's hot!>>
Alisia<<never with you here!>>
Tom<<I won't look at you, I promise!>>
Alisia<<Do you know how much I trust your promise?>>
Tom<<I guess not much>>
Tom<<but what do you care, I'm in my underwear too>>
Alisia<<what does that have to do with it!!>>
Tom<<Are you ashamed of me?>>
Alisia<<Tom stop it!>> I said before getting up from the mattress.
I went to a sort of barred window, and leaned there with my elbows.
I feel someone grab my hips, and turn me around.
And who could it be but Tom?

He hugged me and kissed me on the forehead.
Then he lifted my shirt, leaving me in my bra.
Alisia<<Kaulitz, stop it!>>I said as he unbuttoned my jeans.
Tom<<I do it for you! otherwise you won't do it and you will melt!>>
My pants are at my toes, I took them off completely.
And I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
Tom looked me straight in the eyes, he didn't lower his gaze even for a second.

He turned away from me and went to lie down.
I lay down next to him, and as before we embrace.

                                  ~tom pov's~
I took off his jeans.
Tom concentrate, look her in the eyes, the promise!
I turn away from him, and I go to lie down on the mattress.

After a while she came too, and we both embraced.

I caught an eye on his side.
That black underwear, resting delicately on her side, so thin that it tears with a glance. Or rather I would like to rip it off!
This little girl is damn sexy!

                            ~Alisia pov's~
I open my eyes slightly, rub them and see Tom already awake sitting on the edge of the mattress, smoking a cigarette.
Still in my underwear I sit next to him, and I take the pack of cigarettes that was there on the floor, I take one out, and smoke it with Tom.
Tom<<did I keep my visa promise?>>
Alisia<<when ​​I was awake, but this morning I don't think so>>
Tom<<how do you know?!>>
Alisia<<I didn't know that! I thought so, thanks for confirming asshole!>>
Tom<<as if you hadn't looked at me>>
I became a tomato.
Tom<<so tomato? Did I tell a lie?>>
Alisia<<YES! I didn't look at you>>
Tom<<I think the liar here is you!>>
Alisia<<I hate you!>>he giggles slightly.
Alisia<<What the fuck are you laughing at?!>>
Tom<<you make me laugh>>
Alisia<<and luckily!>>

Do you guys like this story? i have a lot of ideas in mind, so i write chapters as soon as i have the time❤️

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