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I woke up I don't know how long after, but I'm in the hospital.

Attached to a stupid IV, and I have an excruciating pain in my stomach.

Doctor<<Kaulitz you are a very lucky guy>>

And where the fuck did this come from?

Tom<<when are you resigning from me? >>

Doctor<<you risked death! I would say to keep you for at least 4/5 days! >>

That asshole came out of the room, and I started to make a local mind.

My mother...

I got up from that uncomfortable bed, and came out of the room, but I was stopped by a doctor.

Doctor<<kaulitz but where are you going?! >>

Tom<<give me my clothes>>

Doctor<<we have to do some checks->>

Tom<<exertize my dick! Give me the clothes!
NOW! >>

The doctor went to get them and took them to my room.

With difficulty I put on my clothes and got out of the hospital.

I walked home.

I knocked.

He opened the bill for me.

Bill<<tom.. >>

I hugged him with so much affection.

Tom<<bill I'm sorry.. >>

Bill<<don't worry>>

Tom<<when do the funerals? >>

Bill<<em.. didn't tom tell you? >>

Tom<<what?! >>

Bill<<you have been in a coma for 2 weeks.. and the funeral has already been done>>

A blow to my heart came.

Tom<<does he go? >>

Bill<<is the cemetery where there is also grandfather>>

I pushed bill with my shoulder to get the keys to my car.

Without saying anything I went into the car.

I started running through the streets of Berlin crying.

I arrived.

I asked a guy where his grave was and approached her.

I sit right there, next to her grave, and light a cigarette.

Tom<<you've always been a strong woman.. why? Why are you dead mom? >>I burst into tears.

Tom<<I swear I'll avenge you.. you are and will always be the woman of my life, I never told you, I proved it, but I love you so much.. I wish you were here with me... I didn't even come to your funeral... I'm shit.
Seeing you in that room lying on the ground hurt me, if I close my eyes I still see you, lying on the ground without life... it all seems like a dream, I don't want to believe that you are gone, and all this because of me, because I didn't want to deceive Alisia. You liked it, you could see it from how you spoke to her, I would have liked to see you talk more often, but because of me now you are here... underground. >>

I turned off the cigarette, took a rose from above another tomb and laid it on my mother's.

I didn't know this day would be so close.

I walked to my car.

I went in, got in motion and left.

It's like I'm not checking the car, the road I was taking is that of Alisia's house.

I entered his ghetto running, and parked in front of his house.

I knocked hard at the doorbell.

And Alisia opened up to me, she's in her pajamas, her eyes are swollen and red, and she doesn't seem to sleep in a long time.

His eyes widened.

Alisia<<TOM! >>

He jumped into my arms and then hugged me.

The pain in the stomach is a lot, but by now I have realized that the moments should be enjoyed immediately.

I hugged her and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Alisia<<come in! >>he said coming down to me.

He threw me into his room while we met his father who nodded to me.


Alisia<<BUT CAN YOU KNOW WHAT END YOU HAVE DONE?! >> he said throwing a pillow at me.

Tom<<oh..right.. you don't know. >>

Alisia<<know what?! >>

Tom<<see Alisia,my mother died,and my father shot me so I went into a coma->>

Alisia<<tom I'm sorry>> he said and then hugged me and filled me with kisses.

Alisia<<sorry if I got angry I had no idea>>

Tom<<don't worry>>I said stroking her face.

I went to sit on the bed, and she straddled me, and kept hugging me.

I put my hands on her back and stroked her.

I can't hold back.

I burst into tears.

Alisia<<tom! >> he looked at me with his eyes, took off his hands that covered my face out of shame and kissed me.

That interrupted the moment was a phone call.

Tom<<bill? You hear me>>

Bill<<tom where are you? >>

Tom<<from Alisia why? >>

Bill<<can I come please>>

Tom<<but why->>

Tom<<can bill come? >>

Alisia<<of course! >> he told me smiling.

Tom<<come on! >>

Bill<<I'll bring you some clothes too, then I'll explain>>

Tom<<eh? Clothes Bill, what do you say? >> he broke off the call.

Tom<<bah! This is crazy! >>

Alisia<<why? >>

Tom<<he said he brings me some clothes>>

Alisia<<it's not that.. your father.. >>

Tom<<shit.. what now? >>

Alisia<<be with me! There is no problem! >>

Tom<<for you no, but for your father I imagine of

Yes! >>

Alisia<<I'll talk to you! >>


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