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It's been 1/2 weeks since I saw Tom with that slut, I'm afraid he replaced me, or rather, it's not a fear, he really did.

I don't know what to do, I would like to talk to someone, to vent, but the only person I was talking to hurt me, so much, and he's gone.

I never talked to Tom about everything 100% maybe because I was ashamed, or maybe because I was afraid of not looking beautiful and pretty in his eyes.

I miss him.

                               ~Tom pov's~

Honestly, I don't know what to do since Alisia is not there, I have a void inside and I try to fill it with this slut.

Tom<<fuck get off! >>

He gets up and cleans his mouth.

Elisa<<what's up tommy? I wasn't going

Good? >>

Tom << I don't think you can go wrong, juice cocks from morning to night, not like alisia ... >>

Elisia<<AND WHO WOULD IT BE?! >>

Tom<<leave nothing alone>>

I lifted my boxers and pants.

Elisia<<but I'm not done! >>

Tom<<suck it to my brother! >>

Elisa << doesn't want to! >>he said leaving and slamming the door.

What a bitch.

What if I called her? ....

No, No, No, NO I CAN'T DO IT.



                               ~Alisia pov's~


I have to move on! He made a living for himself, I should do it too.

I would say go get something to drink.

I got my ass out of bed, and started getting ready, I didn't put on makeup or prepare that much.

I took a taxi, and went to a bar, or rather THE bar, where I spoke to Tom the first time.

I entered it submerged with thoughts and memories, as soon as I put a foot on the threshold of the door she did not understand if it was an illusion or reality.

Tom? Is it really him?! Or am I imagining everything?

I went to sit next to him, put my hand on his and he immediately turned.

He took off his hand almost disgusted and stared at me.

Alisia<<sorry.. >>

He kept staring at me.

Alisia <<fuck tom! Do you want to talk or do you want to keep staring at me! >>

Tom<<I wish I could not give weight to your words, or rather I would like to be able to ignore you without my heart starting to beat so hard that it comes out of my chest. >>

Alisia<<then if you try this, why? Why are you gone? >>

Tom<<the real question is why you are

Gone? >>

Tom<<Alisia, I would like to make you understand that I care so much about you, and in this period I just waited for you to come back to me asking for help >>

Alisia<<I tried! You kicked me out...>>

Tom<<I was wrong, you should have tried again>>

Alisia<<I didn't think you were a wheel of fortune,

'Try again next time, you'll be luckier', it was enough for me to see your eyes to understand that you didn't give a fuck about me anymore! >>

Tom << then I think you can't read my eyes, I had, and I need you>>

Alisia << you know it didn't seem>>

Tom<<the thing is that.. I miss you. That's all. >>

Alisia<<according to you? Don't you? >>

Bartender << very well you miss each other, you couldn't solve it with a kiss, and go fuck yourself ?! I only have to ask for 9:30! >>

Alisia<<e?! I'm sorry>>

Tom pays, and we go out of the bar.

We start walking towards I don't know where, without exchanging a word.

Tom <<I would be happy to come back as before, I know you won't believe me but that's the way it is>>

Alisia<<I believe you>>

He stopped abruptly, making me stop too.

He took my face and kissed me with enthusiasm and anger, it was a long mold kiss, but with all the passion of this world.

But something caught our attention, a shot followed by screams.

Tom<<FUCK! COME!! >>

He screamed in a panic and then slipped into dark, silent vichi.

We arrived in a Czech alley.

Tom << fuck, fuck, FUCK! I don't have a gun! SHIT! >>He said and then threw a punch at the wall.

Alisia << rest assured, they won't find us>>

Keep going...

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