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                           ~Alisia pov's~

I knew I couldn't trust that bastard of my father.

I got up from the ground, and went to my room to cry.


I don't know how many days, or weeks have passed since I was locked in my room without having any contact with the outside, but I only know that I miss Tom.

Surely he will be fucking with some slut now, but he's right, can he ever chase someone like me? If I were him I wouldn't do it, so how to blame him.

I took the phone, and noticed that it was 6:34 in the evening.

And I also noticed a notification.

Bill?!? Eh?!


-Listen Alisia, I think you don't know, but you have the right to know, Tom is in a coma, we don't know if he will awakening, sorry if I just tell you now, but you know how it is, it's not easy.

-Bill but what are you saying?

-How did it happen?

-Where are you that I come from?

-The way he is tanned, the doctors think they beat him.

-However we are at the PRIS hospital.


I got out of bed in a hurry, took the first thing that happened in my hand and put it on.

Without makeup, I got out of the house in a hurry, and took a taxi.

I arrived at PRIS, and started looking for Bill.

I was going around the corridors of the hospital like crazy, looking for Bill.

I went around the hospital, and finally saw him.

He is sitting in a chair, with his head in his hands.

Alisia<<bill.. >>He looked up and looked at me.

He got up and I ran into his arms, and then cried.

Bill<<s-se vuoi e-entrare is q-qui>> he said sobbing.

I nod, and I enter the room.

I see him there, lurking on the cot, with many wires on him, and with his eyes closed.

I sit next to him on the cot, and put a hand on his chest.

Alisia<<Tom... I... I don't know how to fucking start, I don't even know if you hear me! I swear I didn't want to tell you those things on the phone, it was my father's fault. By telling you this I don't want you to forgive me, because you're right, it's not the first time it's happened, and I certainly don't have anything special compared to all the others who love you and want you. But I still want to apologize, I apologize even if it's not mainly my fault, but I feel compelled. I don't even know if, if you were awake you would want me here. But I'm here because... because I think I love you Tom. >>

I looked at him but nothing, he didn't give any sign that he heard me.

Alisia<<sorry again Tom, I wish you were awake now, I really wish I was with you, but I'm sure you'll wake up, but if it doesn't, I'll come with you.

I've never felt like this, so strange to a person. I'm sorry if even when you're lying on the hospital bed I don't stop talking, only when you're well, I can't, I can't tell you shit understood?! I'm leaving now, sorry, I know I made you bored even now, but I had to talk to you.

Hi Tom! See you tomorrow! >>


And what do you say? Will Tom Wake Up?

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