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Life here is not easy at all, it may seem like a quiet neighborhood, it is, but what happens outside is just as frightening.
I'm afraid to even set foot outside my neighborhood, I never know if the latin kings are out there waiting for me. You can't even imagine the torture they do, they might cut off my head, and even play soccer with it.
I have the protection of all my father's men, but you never know.
My father's men die every day, and what I wonder is is it worth it? lose your life for what? for this bullshit? Absolutely not.

In my neighborhood we all know each other.
Every mom in this neighborhood has given birth in almost the same months, in fact we kids are almost all the same age. We are all close friends, as are our parents. And this drives me crazy, I'm so happy with it, but not with what they make us do.
Murders, shootings, robberies, ambushes, torture, drug trafficking. I'm sure none of us like living this life, but we can't do otherwise, here they could very well shoot their own child in cold blood. In the ghetto you see everything.

My father distracted me from my thoughts.
Garcîa<<I can't in person, I'll send alisia.>>
Not again.
I hear footsteps getting closer and closer, I slipped under the covers and squeezed them as tight as I could.

The door swung open.
He approached my bed, and a cold shiver ran down my back, making me jump slightly.
Garcîa<<Alisia wake up>>
He said starting to shake me violently.
I couldn't pretend to sleep, I should have woken up from the start. Then I slowly opened my eyes.
Alisia<<yes dad what's up>> I said trying to sound sleepy.
Garcîa<<you know that dad loves you right?>>
Alisia<<yes, I know>> I already know where he's headed.
Garcîa<<well I need a favor>>
Garcîa<<you will have to go with cook to exchange with the latin kings>>

At those words my heart stopped beating.
I remained motionless on the bed.
He was literally sending me to die.

Alisia<<No, I won't>>
Garcîa<<Alisia don't throw a tantrum, you're not 3 anymore, and I know that you and cook can manage very well on your own. You know dad can't go in person>>
Alisia<<send one of your men>>
Garcîa<<that's too much money, I shouldn't trust you either>>
So what the fuck do you want from me, you go, bah.
I heaved a sigh, I know if I don't do what he tells me it's going to end badly, so I nod and shut up.
I hate being subdued, especially by someone like him.
He leaves my room, and I start getting ready.
There is a mess in my room.

I get up from my big double bed and straighten it. Of course when I sleep I really have a fight.
I approached the end of the bed and started pulling the sheet, then the blanket and finally I put the pillows, and then covered them with this warm gray blanket.
I take a big sigh, I'm a mess.
My room is literally upside down.
I slowly get down and start picking up all my clothes off the floor.

I have an avalanche of clothes in hand, I can hardly see where I'm going.
I go to my walk-in closet and arrange my clothes.
My room is huge.
In the center of the room is the bed, a large double bed, with two bedside tables on either side.
Getting off the bed on the left there is a piece of furniture that I use to make up, it has a large mirror with lights around it, and many small and large drawers where I put all my make-up.
Instead to the right of the bed there is a mirror.
Opposite the bed is the walk-in closet, it doesn't have doors, you enter directly, it's huge, there are clothes, shoes, bags, practically a shop.
Coming out of the walk-in closet, next to it is the bathroom.
Entering on the right there is the sink, on the left the shower, and in front of it a hydromassage tub.
I'm done, this is my room.

Once all the clothes are put down, I go to the bathroom.
I take a shower.
As the water ran down my face the thoughts surfaced.
Who knows why I was born into such a family.
Who knows why my father forces me to do things I don't want to do.

Before I started crying I turn off the water, and get out of the shower.
I put on my bathrobe, and turn to the mirror.

I took the hair dryer off the cabinet, and started drying them.
With the brush I began to smooth them. I hate fucking curly hair.

Just wipe yourself with the brush I look like a poodle.
So I also pass the straightener.

Once finished, still with the bathrobe I enter the walk-in closet. I take a jeans, and a top, I dress. And I went and sat down at the makeup cabinet. I started wearing makeup. Eyeliner, mascara, bronzer, blush, lipstick, and I comb my brows.
Once ready, I leave my room and walk towards the elevator.
I go down to the ground floor, I go into the garden, and I leave my house. I walk towards Lucia's house, the cook's mother.

As always, all the boys are gathered outside in the garden to talk, smoke cigarettes, and drink coffee.

Alisia<<good morning guys>>
I said as I entered Cook's garden.

Every villa in the ghetto always has the gate open, the door, I have the keys near the lock. Because it is precisely a quiet neighborhood where we all know each other.

All together they greeted me <<good morning Alisiaa>>
I sit with them under the gazebo.
I sit down on one of the many sofas, and we start talking.
Estefan<<I heard that someone here tomorrow has to do a big job>>
Alisia<<Ste don't tell me about it>>
Nicolas<<are you anxious?>>
Cook<<in your opinion? it's obvious asshole>>
Iris<<Cook take it easy>>
Alisia<<indeed cook, Iris is right>>
julia<<Today bath in the pool?>>
Alisia<<everyone come to me>>
Estefan<<I won't make myself repeat it twice>>
Alisia<<come as soon as you have finished eating>>
Nicolas<<send a message about the group, so you can warn the others as well>>

I apologize for any errors, because I usually write the stories in Italian, but I decided to report this one in English as well.

My kind of man (ENGLISH)-Tomkaulitz-Where stories live. Discover now