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Finally he left, and after a long shower I finally get dressed and put myself on the bed.

It's 3:30.
I'm not even hungry.

*incoming call from "dad"*
Alisia<<dad tell me>>
Garcîa<<Alisia this afternoon you have to come with me to trade with the latin kings.>>
Alisia<<but dad->>
Garcîa<<nothing but, I just warned you>>
Alisia<<at what time?and with whom?>>
Garcîa<<with my men, and at 8:30>>

What balls, I always have to do these things, it always ends up that someone gets hurt.

I'd say it's better if I eat something, I need strength for tonight.

I went into the kitchen and took the packet of cereals with the milk.
I went to the cabinet to get the cup, and the spoon.

Once the cereals were finished I went upstairs to my room.
It's 4:12, I'd say take a nap.

I woke up at 7:02.
And so I started preparing.
I went into my walk-in closet and grabbed baggy jeans and a black v-neck top.

I started to make up.
Cream, black pencil, mascara, eye-liner, bronzer, blush, highlighter, lipstick, eyebrows, deodorant perfume and I'm ready.

It's just 8, I take the gun from over the kitchen table, and I leave my house locking the door behind me.

My father is already out there waiting for me followed by his men.

I got into the car, a black Audi.
My father is driving and I am sitting next to him.

Garcîa<<do you have a gun?>>
Alisia<<in your opinion?!>>

After half an hour we arrived there.
Alisia<<at least tell me what we have to do>>
Garcîa<<Alisia stay in your place>>
Alisia<<if I don't know what I have to do->>
Garcîa<<get off>> he said opening the door in his turn.

This is asshole, I thought.

But anyway I obey him and get out of the car.
I take the gun in my hand and follow my father.

We entered a closed room, with dimmed light, and many containers inside.

With a firm step my father stopped in front of a man.

Garcîa<<good evening Egon>>
Egon<<good evening Garcîa, I see you are walking with a doll behind you?!>> he said looking at me.
Garcîa<<stay at your place>>

For a moment I looked around and noticed that Tom is there too!, and Bill too. Rightly there had to be forced.

Egon<<guys bring the doll to check>>
Garcîa<<no need, I'll go>>
Egon<<why Garcîa?! mh! don't you trust your little doll?!>>
Garcîa<<Alisia move, follow those two>>
I nod and do as he tells me.

I'm really scared these two will kill me.

We go into one of the containers.

Bill<<I'm here>>
But exactly what?! that asshole didn't even tell me what to check.
Bill entered first, then I entered, and finally Tom.

There are machine guns.
Ok I have to check if that number is there!?

I took a machine gun in my hand, and checked if he had it, and yes!
luckily yes!

Tom<<so "Doll"?! Am I ok?>>
Alisia<<yes asshole, I'm ok!>>
I leave the container giving a shoulder to tom, and I go towards my father.

Alisia<<everything is ok!>>
Egon<<since your doll is safe>>
Alisia<<stop calling me doll!>>
Egon came up to me with a gun, handed it to me
he aimed at the belly.
Egon<<what is it? hmm? you don't like it when I call you doll>>
Alisia<<No!>> I said pushing away the gun.
Egon<<Oh! little doll you're playing with fire.>>
Garcîa<<we came here for something else>>
Egon<<of course!>>

Egon<<it's just 500 thousand>>
Egon<<What do you say? instead of paying me with money, give me your doll>>
Garcîa<<don't talk bullshit and take the money>>he said in a serious tone.
Egon<<what's up, you're afraid they might
Garcîa began to breathe heavily.
Egon<<or are you afraid that they will deflower her?! Oh! Right! was raped, poor doll!>>

I don't know what happened at that point, I only saw my father shoot Egon in the leg.
Instinctively I threw myself on the floor.

Garcîa<<FORCE ALISIA COME ON!>>her voice resounded in the midst of the gunfire.
I raised my head and started running towards my father.
But suddenly a blow to the arm.
I looked down and saw blood.

FUCK! they shot me!

I kept running with my father, and we got into the car.
As soon as he saw my arm we went to the hospital.

As soon as we entered he didn't understand shit anymore.
They put me to sleep and operated on to remove the bullet.

They laid me down on the couch, and I remember something from there.
I have a light shot into my eyes that makes me blink 300 times.
They slipped a syringe into my arm, and then it was total darkness.

I can't hear or see anything anymore.

After I don't know how long I could hear the doctors talking to someone.

Doctor<<yes the operation was successful, on the other hand it's nothing serious, fortunately it didn't hit any vein>>
X<<luckily now how soon will he wake up?>>
Doctor<<as soon as the anesthesia ends>>
X<<ok thanks>>

He heard a door close, then I took courage and started to open my eyes.
And I can't believe what I saw.

Tom<<Are you okay?>>
Alisia<<what the fuck are you doing here! get out now! >>
Tom<<so you thank me?>>
Alisia<<thank you for what!?>>
Tom<<for this>>threw a rose at me
Alisia<<oh! thanks!>>
Tom<<I brought it to you, I wanted to put it on your grave, but unfortunately you never die!>>
Alisia<<what the fuck do you want!>> I said throwing the rose back at him.
Alisia<<now get out of here!>>
Tom<<first you talk to me and now you behave like this?!>> he said getting up and then coming against me.
Tom<<always remember not to challenge me doll>>
Alisia<<kaulitz get out of here! now!>>
Tom<<that's how you treat someone who saved your ass!?>>
Alisia<<I spoke to you to thank you, not to find you in the hospital!>>
Tom<<as you wish! next time I'll shoot you>>
Alisia<<I didn't say that->>
Tom<<it doesn't matter what you say>> continued to approach until he was in front of me.
Tom sits on my cot next to me.

He starts touching my leg pulling up my hospital gown.
Alisia<<kaulitz what the fuck are you
Tom<<hm?!I can't!? Won't you pay me back for saving your ass?>>
Alisia<<I didn't ask you to do it, so now please stop!.>>
Tom<<because I should!>> he said continuing to climb with that big and cold hand.
I blocked his hand.
Alisia<<enough! stop it tom>>
Tom<<what is it doll? are you innocent?!>> he said with a giggle.
Alisia<<no but even if I were I wouldn't let you touch me!>>
Tom<<because what's wrong with me? hmm? look I'm fine down there!>>
Alisia<<Tom stop it, raise this hand and go away!>>
Tom touched my arm that had just been operated on.
Tom<<should I really go away doll?!>>
He began to press on the wound.
ME!>> I yelled.
Tom<<shut up!>> he growled at me.
I kept screaming, until he stopped pressing.
Alisia<<YOU ARE REALLY AN ASSHOLE GO AWAY!>> I said pushing him away.


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