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Garcîa<<Alisia we have to talk. >>

Garcîa<< go down to the kitchen. >>

Alisia<<eh? What's up? >>

I follow him in the kitchen and he takes the floor.

Garcîa<<what do you feel about Tom? >>

Alisia<<eh? Dad, are you crazy? >

Garcîa<<you can see it from a mile away! But you can't see it anymore. >>

Suddenly an emptiness in the stomach.

But why?

Alisia<<and why?... >>

Garcîa<Egon has gone crazy, and now that you and Tom are close it's even easier for him to hurt you>>

Alisia<<ma...? >>

Garcîa<<nothing but Alisia, now call him and tell him! >>

Alisia<<and what should I tell him?! EH?! That I have a jerk father ?! >>

Garcîa<< DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT! >> he slapped me, so hard that he dropped me to the ground.

He turned around and put his hands on the table.

Garcîa<< get up, and stop whining. >>

I wiped my tears and stood up.

Garcîa<<call him>>

Alisia<<NO! >>

Garcîa<<ALISIA! >> he said and then turned violently to me.

I started to tremble with fear.

This man is unpredictable.

I picked up the phone.

Alisia<<what should I tell him..? >>

Garcîa<< tell him that it was all a mistake between the two of you, and that you have never been well with him, and tell him that you are afraid that he could hurt you. And above all, tell him that he doesn't deserve your love. >>

Alisia<<but dad.. don't you seem to exaggerate? >> I said in a low tone.

Garcîa<<Move around. Call him! >>

He pulled out a gun and pointed it at me.

Garcîa<< tell him what I told you! >>

Garcîa<<and stop crying! >>

I took a long breath and called him.

Tom<<Alisia? >> he said in a happy tone.

Alisia<<Listen Tom I have to talk to you>>

Tom<<you want me to come to you so let's talk->>

Alisia<<no, let's talk here>>

Tom<<oh ok>>

I hear noises, as if it were in the car.

Alisia<<Tom.. I.. em.. all this was a mistake>> my eyes started to pinch.

Alisia<<I'm not well with you, I'm afraid you'll hurt me>> My father looked at me, and nodded his head to continue.

Alisia<<I'm afraid of you, and your family, and I'm sure that you don't deserve my love.>>

He didn't answer, but closed but called.

My father lowered his gun, and I fell to my knees crying.

                               ~tom pov's~
(Start the music if you like)

I closed the call with Alisia.

I started running somewhere else.


And to think that I was also bringing him flowers ..

I stopped with the car, near a grove.

I took the flowers and went down.

I walked into the woods, and at the first tree I sit, with my back against it.

I take a cigarette and start smoking it, while I fix the flowers.

Tom<<why? Why the fuck? >>

I started crying.

Tom, Tom Kaulitz crying for a little whore?


WHY DO I CRY? Maybe I love her...

But I can't love anyone, I want to.

I stood up, lay the cigarette on the flowers, and started banging the bouquet of flowers on any tree near me.

I screamed like crazy, maybe I am... maybe I'm crazy? Or am I just crazy about her?

I punched in a tree.

Tom<<FUCKK>> I said as I shook my hand, as blood flowed from my knuckles.

I kept walking through the woods kicking every stone in front of me.

I found a spaced, the trees formed an almost perfect circle, and the light penetrated between the leaves.

I lay down right in the center, where the light was beating, and I stood there looking at the sky, the clouds, the birds, the leaves.

Suddenly I hear noises, anxiety of footsteps.

Getting closer and closer, but I don't move an inch.


X<<is the son of Egon take it !!! >>

X<<MOVE! >>

I got up, but they ensened me.

They started punching me.

They made me fall to the ground.

I was trying to react but 10 against 1 is unfeasible.

They started kicking me in the stomach, back, even in the head.

I started spitting blood, one of them at that point took me by the shirt I had and picked me up from the ground.

While another punched me in the face.

I smiled at him, and spit my blood in his face.

At that point he threw me against a tree, and they continued to beat me, but this time also with wooden logs.

I feel so weak now, am I dying? Or am I already dead?

I keep beating me, but I don't feel anything.

I weakly closed my eyes, and I hear police sirens approaching.


X<<GO! GO!! >>

I closed my eyes.

Maybe I'll never reopen them again?

By now... I lost my mother, Alisia... I'm sorry for Bill, so much.. ansi too much...

I saw everything black.


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