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Tom<<as you wish doll>>
He said before leaving the hospital room.

~tom pov's~
I'm walking the corridors of the hospital, I don't know why I'm picking on that little girl, but I like to annoy her.
I'm sure she's one of those who is afraid of her own shadow.

~Alisia pov's~
Of course that's an asshole.
He hurt me badly, he's sick.
He went to his head for the simple reason that I thanked him.
I never should have accepted that ride from him.

I fell asleep after less than 10 minutes.
And I don't know how long I slept but my father came to wake me up.
Garcîa<<you're finally awake>> he said as he paced back and forth in the room, and looking at him better, FUCK. He has the rose in his hand.
That asshole left it here!

Garcîa<<So?! hmm?! who brought it to you?!>> he said nervously.
Garcîa<<ALISIA! answer>> he said as he turned the rose in his hands.

Alisia<<dad what do I know! I was sleeping!>>
Garcîa<<ah yes?! Then the doctor must have been wrong!>>
Garcîa<<don't play dumb Alisia>>

I didn't answer because I didn't know what to say, but it's not my fault! I didn't ask him to come!

Garcîa<<what was he doing here?>>

Garcîa<<You won't like it?! get it out of your head because I'll kill you with my hands>>

Garcîa<<I WANT ANSWERS!!>> he said slamming his hands on the desk that is in this small hospital room.

Alisia<<Dad, are you an asshole?! Can I ever like my enemy!? and then I don't know why he came here>>

Garcîa<<AND MAKE SURE YOU DON'T LET HIM COME BACK AGAIN! otherwise I will have one more reason to kill him!>>
He said walking out of the room.

I sit on the sides of the bed.
Alisia<<not even a "how are you?"!>> I said in a light whisper.

I gathered strength and got up to go to the bathroom.

I leave the room and stop a doctor.
Alisia<<excuse me where are the bathrooms?>>
Doctor<<oh! I'm glad you can walk!, however I'm at the bottom right>>
Alisia<<thank you very much!>>

I follow his directions and go to the bathroom.

Are there any showers? and sinks next to each other.
It looks more like a prison than a hospital!

I walked over to a sink, and still in my hospital gown, washed my face.
I bent down slightly, took some water in my hands and brought it to my face.
I did this 3 times, rubbed my eyes, and looked in the mirror.

The time to wipe my face I noticed a figure behind me.
Instinctively I turned and screamed.
The figure walked up to me and covered my mouth.

Tom<<shhhhhh are you stupid?>>
Alisia<<Tom stop it! You have to leave now!>>
I yelled softly.
Tom<<just because daddy says he doesn't see me anymore do you listen to him?>>
He leaned even closer to me, I had his chest literally in my face.
I pushed him away and started to leave the bathroom.
Tom<<Alisia we'll see each other again!>> He exclaimed sure of himself.

I returned to the room.

After an hour or so the doctors spoke to my father.
They said I could be discharged, but I had to rest my arm.

I finally got out of that hospital.
I get into the car with my father.
I don't give too much weight to the road it takes.

But after 30 minutes I have a doubt.

Alisia<<dad where are we going?>>
He didn't answer but accelerated.
Garcîa<<we're almost there>> he said nervously.

He took me to a strange place never seen.

Garcîa<<follow me>>he ordered.
I was intent on running away, my curiosity will kill me one day!

I continued to follow him until he heard complaints.

X<<mhh hhhnmh>>
Garcîa<<come on!>>

Where the fuck is this taking me!

He opened a large door.
Garcîa<<SEE THEN YOU KNOW HIM!>> he said slamming me hard against the wall.

I reacted like this in stupid old amazement!
I exclaimed to myself.

Tom<<mhh hh>> made noises of pain.
My father left me.
And he forcibly tied me to a chair.

He made me watch the whole scene.
Him and his man torturing tom.
I didn't feel sorry for him, just disgust at what they did to him.

My father's man used to strap him.
Garcîa<<Sober! you see you can't do shit! if you whip him with your shirt, what's the whim?!>>

Garcîa<<Alisia doesn't bother you, right!? it's not the first time you've seen him without a shirt
Alisia<<WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYING!>>I said pissed off.
I was trying to wiggle.

Sober took off Tom's shirt.
I looked at him with wide eyes.

They continued to whip him.
And he continued to scream.

Garcîa<<my goodness, how this screams
kid!>> he said tying a bandana over his mouth.

Tight moans were coming from her mouth now.
They untied him from the post to which he was tied.
he remained standing, with his hands and legs tied.
My father kicked him to the ground in front of my feet.

Garcîa lit a cigarette, while Sober continued to whip Tom.

I can not handle it anymore!
I started to cry.
Alisia<<Why? WHY DAD! ENOUGH!>>
Sober stopped.

Garcîa<<continue sober!>>

Alisia<<BECAUSE I WASN'T BORN INTO A NORMAL FAMILY!>>I exclaimed sinking into my tears.




Tom was there in front of me on his stomach, Garcîa approached him, lifted his head, pulling him by his pigtails, and put out his cigarette right on his neck.

Tom looked at me with tearful eyes.

I don't know how long I stayed there on that chair staring at those obscenities, but at a certain point Garcîa said <<sober, that's enough, let's not kill him, or they'll kill Alisia, after all, I need him for the missions!>>

They untied Tom, and he didn't run away, he just lay there motionless on the ground.

Garcîa<<Why don't you stay there and help your "boyfriend?">>He said looking at me.

I can't believe it, they left me there with tom, TIED TO THE CHAIR.


My kind of man (ENGLISH)-Tomkaulitz-Where stories live. Discover now