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I left the hospital, and came home more devastated than before.

I went to lie on the bed on my stomach, and started thinking about all the things done together, and the first time he saved my ass.

But what interrupted my thoughts was that old bastard of my father.

Garcîa<<how about getting up from that fucking bed and doing something? >>

Alisia<<die>> I just said.

He left slamming the door.

I don't understand him, I know, he doesn't understand me, but what problems does he have?

I don't believe it, but today does everyone have to fuck me up? My mother's little whore came in.

And he came to sit on my bed.

Têresa<<hi love>>

Alisia<<what the fuck do you want? >>

Têresa<<we haven't talked in a long time. >>

Alisia<<and what should I tell you? Than you do to me Disgusting? >>

Têresa << stop being a child, and face your problems by talking about it >>

Alisia<<I would talk to anyone but not to you! >>

Têresa << you really don't deserve shit! >>

Alisia<<fuck you! >>

And she left too.

Can I ever be in the mood to talk to that slut?

I fell asleep in my thoughts.

And the next day I woke up at 10:12.

I went to get ready, took a long shower, got dressed, and went down.

I'm going to the hospital to Tom's.

On the street I get a rose from a florist, a black rose.

I arrived at the hospital.

I walked into his room and put the rose on the bedside table next to his bed.

Alisia<<ei! How are you tom? >>

Obviously he didn't answer me.

Alisia<<when do you decide to wake up?! I fucking miss you! >> I started to be nervous about the situation.

Alisia<<I can't believe you're lying here. I swear I will avenge you. >>

I took his hands and stroked them, then I leaned like my head on his chest, and I felt his little heart beating.

Alisia<<if only it had happened to me now you would be fine .. Tom you have to wake up! >>

I got up and looked at him.

What the fuck-?

Did he shake my hand? Maybe... it must have been an impression...

Alisia<<Tom I->>

Doctor<<Miss excuse me, the time for visits is up>>

Alisia<<oh yes I'm sorry .. >>

Alisia<<hello tom! >> I gave him a kiss on the cheek, and I left.

On the street I began to think that if Tom had been in my place he would have already avenged me.

I have to do it.

I changed direction, and went to my father's lap.

There are all alcoholic men and boys in here!

I approached Derek, the "boss" of that gang.

Derek<<hello little princess! >> said that boy with black hair, and his eyes of the same color. <<We haven't seen each other in a while! >>he says taking a sip of his beer.

Alisia <<hello Derek, I would need a Favor>>

Derek<< do you know that then there is a need for a beauty payment? >> he said fixing his leather jacket.

Alisia<<let's talk before the favor>>

Derek<<let's hear>>

Alisia <<we have to kill people>>

Derek giggled.

Derek<<that's all? >>

Alisia << yes, but the point is that I don't know who they are >>

Derek<<mmh? In what sense? Explain yourself better! >>

Alisia <<they sent a friend of mine into a coma, but I don't know who it was, and I want to find out to kill them >>

Derek<<the friend is Cook? If yes I won't help
you >>

Alisia <<no it's not him, he's dead>>

Derek<<oh! Luckily, that exalted shit was on my dick! However, of whom it is Treat? >>

Alisia<<em... Tom,T-Tom kaulitz>>

Derek<<I hope you're kidding>>

Alisia <<I'm very serious>>

Derek<<I won't>>

Alisia<<eh come on Derek! >> I said touching his chest.

Derek<<but the payment will be double>> he said leaving me a wet kiss on the lips.

Alisia << to do it! >> I shook his hand.

Derek<<Guys come with me>> he said as he walked into a closet.

I follow them too.

Derek takes his word.

Derek<<So, the young lady here, wants to avenge a person who ended up in a coma. But we don't know who the individuals in question are, so we have to get our name, last name, and we have to kill
them. >>

X<< ok boss, but without clues we're not going anywhere! >>

Derek looks at me, and I shrug my shoulders, since I don't have shit to say.

Derek<<do some calls don't you?! >>

I get out of the closet, and call Bill.

-Alisia? Ready?

-Ei bill, I need a favor.

-Tell me

-Do you happen to know where everything happened to tom? Or do you happen to know who it was?


Keep going...
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