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Tom <<Alisia don't worry we'll go to a hotel, then we're getting alarmed for nothing, maybe nothing happened! >> I said lying.

Alisia<<oh well! >>

After about twenty minutes in which Alisia and I cuddled each other, I knock bill.

Alisia went downstairs, and went to open it.

~Alisia pov's~

Alisia<<hi bill! >> I said opening the door smiling.

Bill<<hello Alisia! Thanks! >> he said as I moved around the door to let him in.

Alisia<<but what have you done!? >> I asked him looking at his face full of bruises.

Bill<<I explain everything to you and Tom don't worry>> he said putting his hand on my shoulder.

Alisia<<however condolences, I'm sorry..>> I said hugging him.

I made him go upstairs.

As soon as we entered the room Tom stood up and walked in front of Bill.

Tom<<who did it to you?! >> he asked irritated.


Tom<<That piece of shit!! >> I could see his red eyes from anger.

Bill<<to make a short I had a fight with dad obviously for mom... and I left. >>

Alisia<<guys if you want to stay here! >>

Bill<<don't worry! We will find a place>>

Alisia<<really Bill! >>

Bill looked at Tom who nodded, so he smiled at me and nodded in turn.

My father entered the room.

Garcîa<<now the whole family? And Egon where is it?! >>

Alisia<<stop it! Get out! >>

Garcîa<<can I trust? >> he asked raising an eyebrow.

Alisia<<go away! >>

Alisia<<boys you can sleep in the room next to mine, it's for the guests! >>

Tom<<but I want to sleep with you! >>

Alisia<<and Bill? Do you leave him alone? >>

Tom<<yes what does he do! >>

Alisia<<no! Then let's all sleep together, the bed is so big >>


Alisia<<nothing but! Poor thing! >>

Tom went to lie down on the bed.

I went towards him, but I turned around and saw that Bill stayed there, so I took him by the hand and took him to the bed with us.

I was in the middle, and I had Tom and Bill around.

Between one chat and another it was dinner time, so we went to eat.

We sit at the table, and I take the floor.

Alisia<<dad, anyway tonight Tom and Bill are sleeping here. >>

Garcîa<<why?! >>

I explained the situation to him, and my father nodded without saying anything.

After eating we went to my room.

I took my pajamas from my walk-in closet, and headed for the bathroom to change.

But Tom blocked my wrist.

He pushed me into the bathroom and closed the door.

Alisia<< get out! >>

Tom<<but if I saw you naked! >>

Alisia<< come on tom go out! >>

Tom walked up to me, and slowly raised my loose shirt.

Alisia<<Tom please stop it>>

He didn't listen to me and continued.

He took off my shirt, and unbuttoned my bra and then took it off.

I pushed him away, but he came closer, and started kissing my breasts.

Alisia<<T-Tom enough please>> I said with tears in my eyes.

He immediately raised his head and looked me in the eye.

Tom<<sorry Alisia.. >>

I immediately put on my shirt and pants, and without saying anything I get out of the bathroom.

I went to bed with Bill, and stuck to his arm.

He stroked my head with his other arm, and gave me a kiss on the head.

Tom also came out of the bathroom, and stood next to me.

He hugged me from behind, and pulled me to himself and let me get away from Bill.

Bill turned off the light, then turned to me, and he hugged me too.

We fell asleep like this.

The next morning, as soon as we woke up, we went for breakfast.

I take three cups, three tablespoons, milk and cereals.

I put everything on the table, and we started eating.

As soon as I finished I went back in the room, and Bill went to change in the bathroom, while Tom dressed in front of me.

Bill came out of the bathroom and said<<Alisia thank you very much>>. He came towards me, and hugged me.

Bill<<we are going! >>

Alisia<< of nothing Bill, hello! >> I said to both of them.

Tom looked at me strangely, and greeted me with a nod.

Obviously I went to lie down on the bed.

And of course my father always came into my room to break my dick.

Garcîa<<Alisia we have to talk. >>


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