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What do I say now? do i accept or not?
If my father, or anyone who sees us, he will kill us instantly.
Alisia<<all right, give me this lift!>>

He got up from his chair and paid for both drinks, and walked out without looking at whether I was following him or not.

Tom gets on the bike and then says..
Tom<<come on, get on!>>

I was very careful where to put my hands.
But I manage to climb fortunately.

Tom<<on hold on>>
Alisia<<I won't fall>>
Tom<<if you say so!>> he said accelerating.

Alisia<<but you are an asshole! in a while you made me fall>>
Tom<<I warned you>>
Alisia<<Do you know where I live?>>
Tom<<have you forgotten that we are rivals and consequently I know everything about you?>>

After about ten minutes we arrived outside my ghetto.

Tom<<as soon as we get out of your house get down quickly, I have to run>>

In 5 seconds I didn't understand anything, he started running between the houses turning everyone around, and just outside my house he stopped slightly, and I got off.
I watched him leave quickly as my father's men fired at him.

Still upset, I tried to go back into the house but someone stopped me.
My father walking out the door with a gun.
I ignored him and simply walked back into the house as the shooting continued.

I hurriedly pulled on my pajamas and jumped into bed.
And after less than 10 minutes I was already blissfully sleeping.

The next morning I woke up and went to take a long shower.

I dried myself off and went back to bed.
Garcîa <<Alisia mom and I eat at tarro>>
he said entering my room.

Alisia<<ok fine>>

I decided to watch a couple of tik toks.

But after about twenty minutes someone broke into my room violently.

Alisia<<cook calm down>>
Cook<<CALM THE FUCK!>> he said coming towards me, and then pushing me onto the bed.
Cook<<I'm the only man you need to see! And
you know it! above all YOU MUST NOT SEE THAT SLIMY UNDERSTAND!>>
I swallow hard as Cook moves across the bed.

By now I could not back down the bed is over.
He pulled me towards him.
Cook<<you know that now I'll have to punish you, right?>> he said again in an angry tone.
Alisia<<Cook please, let's talk about it>>my voice trembled.
He pulled me even more towards him.

He yanked off my shirt and unbuttoned my bra.
He violently pushed me onto the bed, with one hand he held my wrists, while with the other he slipped my pant.
He's sitting astride me to keep me from wriggling.
Alisia<<Cook please stop>>
Cook<<You've always liked having sex with me, now what? you don't want anymore?>>
Alisia<<I didn't say that! but you don't have to force me!>>
Cook<<I'm not forcing you, I'm punishing you, which is different>> he said undoing his jeans.
Alisia<<Yes but! it's not the right way!>>
Cook<<surely you don't choose punishments, right?>>
he said pulling his member out of his boxers.
He moved my underwear.
Alisia<<STOP!>> but nothing, he didn't listen to me, he shoved it all inside me with violence, and I started screaming in pain.
He pulled me to his chest and continued to push hard.

I kept crying, and it finally stopped.
He came out of me, and came to the ground.
I turned and suddenly stuck it behind, I feel even more pain.
Alisia<<COOK PLEASE STOP!>> I said starting to cry again.
Cook started laughing and going faster and faster.

He would turn me around and put me in any position he wanted, I felt so helpless at the time.
He came over and over, while I was screaming and crying.
By now I wasn't even wriggling anymore, I knew it was useless, he would only finish when he was satisfied.

He finally finished putting it inside me, but he pulled me towards his member, making me take it in my mouth.

Cook<<Alisia I don't want to push your head, come on be good, take it all>>
I listened to it and so I did, I tried to take it all.

It came in my mouth, I was about to spit but he covered my mouth with his hand.
Cook<<a! a!,be good,swallow>>
With shining eyes I obey and do what he tells me.

Cook<<I'm a bit tired>> he said lying down on the bed. I thought that torture was finally over so I get out of bed to go to the bathroom.
Cook<<where are you going, I'm tired, you have to continue>>
I obey again.

He lays down on my bed with his legs spread.
Cook<<while I try to rest let me relax>> he said pulling me in front of his member.
I understood his intentions.
Cook<<but take it easy, because I still want to rest>>
I nod, pick it up and gently put it in my mouth.
I didn't take it all, and I was slow.

This went on for 10 minutes, and by now my jaw was screaming for mercy, so I took it out of my mouth.
Cook<<continue!>>orders me.
Alisia<<please I can't take it anymore>>
Cook<<alright then jump on it for a bit right?!>>
He took me by the hips making me sit on his member.
I screamed softly in pain.
Cook<<always take it slow, please>>I nod again and do as he tells me.
Cook<<that's good!>> he said panting slightly.

I don't know how long it took, but a long time, I'm sure.
Cook<<I'd say that's enough>>
I breathed a sigh of relief, and went to the bathroom to take a nice shower.

While I'm in the shower I start crying.

I can't believe my best friend does this to me, it's unfair.
Ok I was wrong but doesn't he think he's exaggerating!?

Or he did well, deep down I was wrong it's right to punish me.
I'm the one who's too weak.

Suddenly there was a knock on my bathroom door.
Alisia<<yes?>>I said trying to hide my sobbing voice.
Cook<<love I'm going>>

I hear my bedroom door close.
It finally went away.


My kind of man (ENGLISH)-Tomkaulitz-Where stories live. Discover now