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-Then I just know that it happened in the woods near my house, and that they were a herd of boys, but I don't know anything else.

-Okok thanks bill.

I went into the closet again, and the eyes of all those beautiful guys pointed at me.

Derek<<then? >> he asked me impatiently.

Alisia << I only know that it happened in the raid forest, and that they were a group of guys, but I don't know anything else>>

X<<beauty if you want to kill them we need more information>> he said putting his hands on the table in front of me.

Derek << let's try to go there, and let's look, maybe there is some camera, or rather some imprint. >>

X<<perfect, take it all>> said a brown-haired boy.

They took everything, and we headed out of this place.

Derek<<on a motorcycle with him>> he said pointing to a boy with black hair, and green eyes.

I nod and approach him.

X<<keep it, put it on>> he said giving me a helmet.

I smiled at him, and put him in.

He went up first, and then I.

We leave and after about 10 minutes, when I was attached to that guy, we arrived.

I went down, he turned off my motorcycle and took off my helmet smiling at me.

I started following Derek and the others.

They don't even know where exactly happened, so we split up.

I started walking in the middle of the woods.

If I were Tom, what would I do?

Start asking me this question.

I kept walking until I saw a kind of circle made up of trees.

If I were Tom-

I would go here! In peace and tranquility.

He began to explore, I saw the displaced ground, and some blood scattered on the bark of the trees.

I immediately realized that this is where it all happened.

Alisia<<DEREKKK!!!! >> I started screaming, but no answer, ugh, who knows where it is!

Alisia<<DEREKKKK! >>

X<<ei! >>Said the boy with the bike.

Alisia<<oh! Em.. look>> I said slightly embarrassed. When he looks at me with those eyes he reads my fucking soul!

X<< good, but how did you find it right away? >>

He said chasing gloves out of his pockets.

Alisia<<I know the victim very well>>

X<<your boyfriend? >>

Alisia<<WHAT?! NO! >>

X<<then you have to really love him to do all
this! >>

Alisia<<yes.. >>

It was starting to get fresh, and we were still alone.

X<<however we didn't show up>>

Alisia<<true! Pleasure Alisia! >> I say lowering myself and holding out my hand to him.

He is kneeling on the ground, so he looks up and looks at me and says <<pleasurable Sebastian>> smiling.

He continues to do what he was doing.

And I start going back and forth.

What a fucking cold!

Sebastian<<keep>> he said getting up and handing me his jacket.

Alisia<<don't worry! You put it on! >>

Sebastian<< you look like an ice popsicle, hold
on! >>

He threw it at me, I put it on, and he continued to do what he was doing.

I went to sit with my back against a tree, and closed my eyes slightly.

Derek<<eccovi! That you found >> He says, but by now I've already slept.

I kept sleeping until someone woke me up.

Sebastian<<Alisia! Wake up! >> he said whispering.

Alisia<<mh? >>


I started to squirm, so he leaned me on the ground.

Sebastian<<Derek told me that you have to come with us to the club>>

Alisia<<oh ok! But did you find anything? >>

Sebastian << yes, of the footprints, now we just have to examine them >>

Alisia << excellent !! >>

He handed me the helmet, I get on the bike with him, and in no time we arrived at the club.

We entered the closet, and they set to work, they began to examine the footprints.

X<<the one on the bat is by Gian Luingo>>
X<< piece of shit! >>

They began to say every name of the fingerprints.

Derek<<we have the names we just have to kill them! >> he said looking at me.

Derek<< how about you start paying me? >>

Alisia<< what amount are we talking about? >>

Derek<<figure? >>

Alisia<<what do you mean Derek? >>

Derek<<see? >> he said pushing me to the wall, he started pressing with one knee on my area.

Sebastian<<Enough derek! Leave her alone! Don't you like the money?! >>


I swallow loudly, and Derek turns to me.

Derek<<don't be afraid doll>> he said caressing my face.

Sebastian approached me, and moved Derek.

Sebastian<<come I'll accompany you home>>

Derek didn't say anything but he looked at me.

We went outside, and he made me sit on his motorcycle, gave me the helmet and we left.

When he arrived at my house he stopped and said <<don't worry about Derek, I'll talk to him ok? >>

Alisia<<thank you, see you tomorrow! >>

Sebastian<< see you tomorrow! >> he said with a smile.

Keep going...

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