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Bill and I are going home with the money.
While we are on the motorbike I see our men following us with their cars.

We finally get home, and Bill parks the bike outside our garden.

We open the door with the keys and immediately..
My father rushed at me with a knife to my throat.

Tom<<what the fuck are you talking about>> I said swallowing loudly.
Egon<<TOM!?DON'T PRETEND NOTHING, I ALREADY KNOW EVERYTHING!>>he said cutting my throat.
Tom<<Are you an asshole or what, you almost kill me!>>
Egon<<DON'T DISRESPECT ME!>>he said pushing the knife even more against my throat.
Bill<<dad, come on, that's enough, don't you think you're exaggerating?! we have the money everything went as planned>>
Egon<<no bill! everything didn't go as planned, THAT BITCH HAD TO DIE! but not!? it didn't happen because your brother is an asshole>> he said pushing the knife again.
At that point I was short of breath, and could hardly breathe.
Bill<<you could have warned us! tom knew nothing about it!>>
Egon<<Bill has nothing to do with it, you are two idiots>> he said removing the knife.
Tom<<from someone we took!>>I said turning away from him and then leave the house, and take the

~alisia pov's~
I tried to chase those two, to thank the boy with the pigtails, but nothing to do, they went away.
At that point I was alone, stopping them to look at nothing now.
I started running towards the van and jumped into it.
After about ten minutes we get home.
All the way up Cook didn't speak to me.
But once I got out, I spoke to him.
Alisia<<Cook, what is it?>>
Cook<<Alisia what should be there>>
Alisia<<are you an asshole?! speak>>
Cook<<I didn't think I saw when you were chasing those two?>>
Alisia<<and so?! I wanted to thank the boy for saving me>>
Alisia<<Cook! calm down!>>
Alisia<<listen Cook you have to calm down nothing happened>>
Cook<<Alisia you are just a little girl>>

Our men put down Cook's bike in his garden.

pissed off I started walking towards I don't know where, I was looking for a bar to have a drink.

I took the phone from my pocket.
It's 10:30 there will never be a bar open!
I thought to myself as I strolled through Berlin.

Mh?! an open bar!

I thought as I stepped into the doorway.

Alisia<<Good evening!>>
Bartender<<Good evening miss! Please! >>
I immediately noticed that I was not alone.

But? that?
And he!

I went straight and determined next to him, and then sat down on a stool next to him.

Alisia<<thanks for first>>
Tom<<I shouldn't even talk to someone like you!>> he said getting up from the stool and then sit down at a table.

Bartender<<what can I bring you?>>
the bartender asked me.
I was shocked by that guy's behavior, so I stood for ten seconds staring at the bartender.

Alisia<<oh! em.. a spriz thanks!>>
After less than 5 minutes my spriz was among the
my hands.

I don't like that asshole treating me like this!

Alisia<<I just wanted to thank you for everything here>>
Tom<<no need, I don't even know why I did it! I should have let you die>>
Alisia<<kaulitz you really are an asshole you know?!>>
Tom<<it's not my fault you're not of my race>>
Alisia<<but this has nothing to do with shit!>>
Tom <<but yes!>> he said gently rubbing his neck, until I saw that cut.
Alisia<<why don't you disinfect it?>> I said taking another sip of my spriz.
Tom<<Why don't you mind your own business?!>>
Alisia<<how obnoxious you are>>
Tom<<I'm just trying not to get killed! if anyone were to see us talking they would kill you instantly>>
Alisia<<then you see you saved me on purpose>>
Tom<<I didn't say that, listen why don't you talk to the bartender and stop fucking with me!? what do you say?>>
Alisia<<today someone woke up with a crooked dick as far as I can see>>

I continued to sip the spriz.

Tom<<are you Garcîa's daughter?>>
Alisia<<now can you talk to me?>>
Alisia<<yes it's me, in person!>>I said with an ironic tone.
Tom<<witty as a finger in the ass>>

I got up from the stool and sat down opposite him.
And now that I look at it well! she has beautiful brown eyes!

Alisia<<you have beautiful eyes!>>
Tom<<don't you think you're exaggerating?!>>
Alisia<<can't I compliment you?>>
Tom<<Alessia,Alisia or whatever your fucking name is, don't talk to me>>
Alisia<<actually you started talking to me>>
Tom<<but listen why don't you go home? it's dangerous for little girls like you at this hour>>
Alisia<<Why don't you mind your own business?>>
Tom<<I worry about you>> he said ironically.
Tom<<joking aside, really how do you get back>>
Alisia<<What does it matter to you?! didn't you want to kill me?>>

Alisia<<still on foot>>
Tom<<you are crazy!>>
Alisia<<mh? why?>>
Tom<<do you walk here at night alone?>>
Alisia<<well, look, I know how to defend myself>>
Tom<<I don't doubt it, but it's dangerous>>
Alisia<<and what should I do? call a taxi?!>>
Tom<<I'll give you a ride if you want>>
Alisia<<well if you want to die>>
Tom<<Are you afraid they'll kill me?>>
Alisia<<no but it seems to me a very suicidal move on your part>>
Tom<<what to lose anyway?>>
Alisia<<You need to know this>>
Tom<<so, do you accept or not?>>


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