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Tom<<Alisia, I'm going to my brother>>
Alisia<<mh? alright>> he said again sobbing.

I broke away from the hug, and walked towards the door.

Tom<<listen bill, i have a problem, come home>>
Bill<<huh?! I'm sorry I'm your twin because you don't tell me anything more>>
Tom<<listen bill don't fuck up!>> I told him and then turned away from him, but he pulled me by the arm.

Bill<<Tom now enough! you have to talk!>> he said nervously.

What I do? do I tell him about Alisia?
He's still my twin!

I just tugged at his arm to get him into the shed.

Alisia is lying on the mattress.

Bill looked at me with a questioning face, while Alisia turned to us scared.

Bill<<what did you do to her?!>>
Tom<<huh?! what did you understand asshole!>>
Bill<<You don't explain shit to me what I should understand!?>>

Tom<<Alisia I don't know if you remember, he's my brother bill>>
Alisia<<yes I remember it>>

~Alisia pov's~
Alisia<<yes I remember>> And bill gave me a big smile.
Tom<<can I explain everything to him?>>he said sitting next to me.

I had on the left side of the mattress Tom, and on the right side Bill.

Tom<<basically the father kidnapped me because he thought she and I were together, and tortured me in front of her, then we slept here.
I called you to pick me up, while Alisia called a friend of hers, if you can call it that! And as soon as he arrived he hit her because he knew she was there with me. I protected her, and now she says that if she comes home it will be even worse>>
Tom<<Bill! not scream! I didn't know if you would have told dad everything>>
Bill<<can I ever cheat on my brother with that old man?!>>
Tom<<well ok, you who are intelligent, do you have a solution for Alisia?>>
Bill<<em.. let's kill the friend>>
Tom<<good idea!>>
Alisia<<are you idiots or what?!>>
Tom<<why sorry?!>>
Bill<<maybe he's right, too suicidal as a move>>
Tom<<So what? shall we let her die?>>

Bill<<mmh, what if we brought her to us?>>
Tom<<then you're an asshole! dad saw her!>>
Bill<<true shit!>>

Alisia<<listen guys don't worry, I'll go home, bad luck a few slaps nothing more>> I said swallowing loudly.

Tom and Bill made the same face raising an eyebrow.
Tom<<I'll accompany you>>
Alicia<<Tom! do you have shit on your head or what?!!>>

Alisia<<I told you to be calm>>
Tom<<you have to tell yours!>>
Alisia<<he wouldn't care anyway trust me!>>
Tom<<and then find a solution!>> he said getting up nervously from the mattress.

Tom<<bill let's go!>>
Bill<<and you?>>he said pointing at me.
Tom<<apparently he doesn't need advice let's go>>
Bill<<and we leave it here->>
Tom<<LET'S GO!>>

Alisia<<it's not that I don't listen to your advice, it is
Tom<<you don't trust me>>he said trying to finish my sentence.
Tom<<listen Alisia, I've just wasted time, try to find a way to go home>> he said as he came out of the gazebo.

He heard the bike start and go away.
I threw myself on the mattress.

It's unbelievable but true tears began to stream down my face.

Why am I crying?!
Alisia are you so stupid? maybe you like it!
your conscience.
HH?! and then excuse me could I ever like someone like him?!
Yet when he was shirtless you didn't take your eyes off him.
Listen now enough!

I get up from the mattress, and go out of the gazebo.
I start walking I don't know where.
And I can't believe it, my arm is starting to hurt!

Where the fuck am I?!
What if I call Garcîa?
Hmm I don't think that's a good idea!
Shut up! do you have a better one?
Absolutely not!
Then I call him!

-dad? can you hear me?

-What do you want!?

- Are you coming to get me?

- Your boyfriend can't accompany you?!

- Stop calling him boyfriend! it is not!

-anyway no! let him accompany you!

-at least send me the location!

He said and then attacked.

I continued walking, and stopped on some steps.
I put my hands through my hair and started crying again.

What if I take a taxi?
Great idea! but with what money?!
I will see.

I waited about ten minutes as soon as I spotted a taxi I started calling him.

I ducked slightly to look at the driver.
Alisia<<and excuse me, is it possible to get to Escudero?

Taxi driver<<the ghetto?!!>>
Taxi driver<<em..yes but I'll leave it outside, I won't go inside>>
Alisia<<of course it's fine!>>

I was about to open the back door, but the taxi driver stopped me.
Taxi driver<<you can also get on ahead!>>he said smiling.
I nod and go inside.
And looking at it better, it's really beautiful!

                                   ~tom pov's~
We finally arrived home.
I feel a little sorry for Alisia.
A bit'?
Shut up conscience!

Bill and I walked into the house, without looking at anyone I went straight to my room.
But what stopped me was a slender female body.
Adalia<<Tom! how are you honey?>> he said hugging me.
That hug! Shit! it reminded me so much of Alisia and I hugging not long ago!
Tom<<are you okay mom?>>
Adalia<<I'm fine tom, why did you disappear? you made me worry, i thought you had gone to take out the trash>>
Tom<<yes mom then later with some friends I went to a party>>
Adalia<<oh.. alright>>
I hugged my mother by grabbing his head and placing it on my chest.
He pulled away from the hug and I kissed him on the forehead smiling.

My mother, for now the only woman in my life.
The only one who truly loves me and cares about me. I love her so much, I love her so much.

He left and I went into my room.

After about twenty minutes my father came in..

Curious to know what Tom's father will do?

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