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I rolled over to check the time when I felt him shuffling around on the bed and saw that it was some minutes after 1 in the morning

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I rolled over to check the time when I felt him shuffling around on the bed and saw that it was some minutes after 1 in the morning.

"Where were you?"

"Not now Iyana."

"I was just worried about you, I am not trying to start an argument with you." I sat up and turned on the lamp on my side of the bed. "Are you okay?" He ran his hands down his face and sighed. "Talk to me."

"I found Zuri's mom and sister."

"But that's good news."

"Her sister is alive but her mom isn't." My hand flew to my mouth on it's own accord as I looked over at him and I had expected as much but I wasn't prepared to actually hear it because I was trying to hold out hope for Zuri.

She wouldn't take this well especially because she had already been blaming herself for everything that happened.

"Where did you find them?"

"In an old warehouse in St. Mary." I wasn't sure I wanted to know the circumstances surrounding her mom's death but I was still curious.

"How was she killed?"

"Babe, mi nah guh tell yuh dat cause mi wish mi could a unsee it."


"Mi hate wen yuh nuh listen tuh mi enuh but cause yuh stubborn, mi aguh tell yuh." He sighed yet again before he sat up in the bed and leaned against the headboard. "He bashed her skull in before he dismembered her body and kept it in a freezer."

"Oh my God." I felt sick to my stomach as the bile rose up in my throat and I hopped out of the bed to run to the bathroom. I made it just in time before I threw up all over the floor and deposited all the contents of my stomach into the toilet.

I regret not listening to Nasir now because I couldn't get rid of the horrific images that my mind had conjured up.

"Dats y mi wish yuh would a listen tuh mi wen mi talk."

"I'm sorry." I said in between heaves and I felt his hand on my back, rubbing it.

"You're okay."

"How do I break this news to her?"

"I'll do it so you don't have to." I got up and closed the toilet seat before flushing it. I moved over to the sink and rinsed my mouth out before I got my toothbrush and put toothpaste on it. "There is more to the story."

"What now?"

"Her sister has two kids by him." The more I heard was the more I couldn't believe I had been living across from this sick cold blooded killer all these years and I could've easily been his next victim.

That thought sent another wave of nausea straight to the pit of my stomach and I had to will the urge to throw up away because there was nothing left in my stomach to come up.

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