Mad Max

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Cam was sitting at the dining table trying to get some homework done and Stephanie was feeding Tommy some carrots.

When the doorbell rings Steph tuned to her oldest nephew, “Can you go get the door please?”

“Sorry, can’t, I really need to finish this.” He replied, not looking up.

She sighed before yelling out, “Can somebody get the door? I’m trying to feed Tommy!”

“Do you like these Carrots or not?” she questioned the baby.

“He doesn’t like Carrots.” Cam answered, still not looking up.

“Sure, he does!” Steph claimed before turning back to the baby, “Just give me a sign. A hint” she begs, only for Tommy to fling some mashed-up carrots at her face. Making Cam finally look up and laugh.

“Told you.” Cam said smugly, “Try the mashed peas.”

“You have a visitor.” Jackson entered the kitchen and told Steph, before whispering, “She’s English and she’s hot.”

Stephanie’s friend then walked through the door, “You are an observant young man.” She told Jackson smiling. Then walking past, him, leaving a dazed Jackson.

Steph got up to greet her friend with a hug. “Oh, my God, Shannon! What are you doing here?” Steph asked, drawing Shannon’s attention back to here from where Shannon was staring over her shoulder at something, or someone. Stephanie usually found it really amusing, the effect her oldest nephew had on people.

“I came to rescue you. I saw your Facebook page. I mean, diaper changes, baby baths. And you in some horrible pizza restaurant infested with guitar-playing rodents?” Shannon told her friend.

“That’s Chuck-E-Cheese.” Cam explained, still not looking up.

“Darling, the name is irrelevant. The point is this is obviously a cry for help.” Shannon claimed.

“Look, I’m just here for my sister. I help take care of the kids, I do a little light housekeeping, part-time cooking, drive carpools.” Stephanie explained, Shannon getting more and more concerned the more Steph carried on. “What has happened to my life?” Stephanie questioned herself.

“Come with me to Coachella.” Shannon proposed. “I’ve got two seats on some dude’s private jet. He’s the guy that invented the emoji that looks like this…” she explained, doing the emoji face.

“No way! I use… this all the time.” Steph claimed, also mimicking the face. “And I would love to, but I can’t. It’s mommy and Me Face-Painting Day. You wanna come?”

“Okay. Um, this is a cult, isn’t it?” Shannon asked, making Cam laugh. “If they’re holding you here against your will, blink three times.”

“It’s not a cult.” Stephanie explained, “It’s a family, you know, where you wind up five times a day in a group hug.”

“It’s a cult.” Cam playfully claimed, making Steph look at him with a look telling him to be quiet before thinking about it herself.

“Oh, my God, I’m in a cult.” Steph realised, lacking the playful tone Cam had earlier, making him look to his aunt in fake betrayal.


It was later and they were at Max’s recital except Stephanie who had gone for the week with her friend. Everyone was behind the curtains trying to calm down Max.

“You’re up next, buddy. Cam, Jackson, and I will be cheering you on.” DJ told her son.

“No, you won’t. I’m not going out there, mom.” Max told his mother. “I need my super-magic scarf, but Aunt Stephanie took it.”

“She took your super-magic scarf?” DJ asked shocked.

“What happened to the underwear trick?” Jackson asked Max, making Cam look at them in amusement.

“It didn’t work. My puppy was cute, but that crowd is full of wrinkly old people.” Max claimed.

Jackson and Cam went to take a look through the curtains.

“Ugh.” Jackson claimed, walking back. “You’re right. That’s a lot of granny panties.” Jackson agreed. Cam hitting the back of his head softly.

DJ went to get her phone and called Stephanie, who was in the middle of DJing at Coachella. DJ proceeded to tell Stephanie about Max’s stage fright and how Steph accidentally took the super-magic scarf. Max ended up playing in front of thousands of people at Coachella.

Max played confidently at his recital.


When they got home, they found Ramona asleep on the couch, Tommy opposite her, she had been baby-sitting while they were at the recital.

“Hi Tommy.” DJ greeted her youngest child Cam following behind her, “Mommy missed you. Yes, I did. Yes, I did. I missed you.”

“Ramona?” Cam yelled, trying to wake her up.

“Huh? what? Oh, no! Tommy’s gone!” Ramona yelled when she didn’t see Tommy in his seat, making Cam laugh.

“He’s right here.” DJ said from behind Ramona, gesturing to the child in her arms, making Ramona sign in relief.

“Hey, we had some plumbing problems today. Know anything about that?” DJ asked Ramona knowingly, DJ and Cam sharing an amused glance.

“Well, I might know something.” Ramona confessed, “See, the truth is… Tommy flushed his diaper down the toilet.” Ramona claimed.

“Did he now?” Cam asked, playing along, looking towards Tommy.

“Well, that was very poor judgement, Tommy.” DJ ‘scolded’. “I hope you learned your lesson.”

“Oh, I think he did. He looks really sorry.” Ramona cut in.

“Well, no more jumping off your changing table, strolling across the floor, slam-dunking your diaper in the toilet, and vaulting up to the flusher.” DJ told Tommy off playfully.

Then, Kimmy came down the stairs, followed by a repair man, “Well, I’m off for coffee with Hank.” She told DJ and Cam.

“He’s not just a plumber. He’s also an investment banker slash UFC Heavyweight Champion.” Kimmy said excited, waving over to Hank, and he waved back. They then both left for their date.


“Stephanie!” Cam, Jackson, Ramona and Max shout softly as they walk into Tommy’s room, seeing DJ hug their aunt, they all ran to give her a hug.

“Hi! Hello, hello!” Steph greeted.

“Why are you crying?” Max questioned his aunt.

“Gosh, I’m just really sad that I missed your first recital.” Steph claimed, wiping her tears.

“Well, cheer up. Mom has it on her phone. You can watch it over and over and over again.” Max claimed.

“Good. I love you guys. Come on, bring it in.” Steph told them, having another group hug.

“Just in time!” Kimmy said, walking through the door and joining the hug.

“How was coffee with the plumber?” Cam questioned Kimmy.

“Oh, it was great. Hank lives on the water in Sausalito, in a cute little… what do you call it?” Kimmy trailed off.

“Houseboat?” Max asked.

Kimmy then started clucking and acting like a chicken, Max having said the trigger word to Kimmy’s hypnotism.

Everyone glanced at each other before simultaneously saying, “Boxcar.” Snapping Kimmy back, not remembering a thing.

“Good night, everybody.” Kimmy told them cheerfully, walking out the room.

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