Glazed & Confused

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Cam had his business studies revision book open in front of him, once again sat in the alcove under the stairs while DJ and Tommy played on a toy piano on the couch.

DJ gasped, “That’s good.” She played along with her youngest son when he randomly started hitting the keys. “That’s so good!” She encouraged more.

When Tommy hit the keys harder, Cam looked over, “That’s not so good.” He said before standing up and making his way to the toy piano and playing a simple tune, “I’ll teach you when you’re older, kid.” Cam smiled at Tommy.

“Yes, Jimmy, yes. I will call you as soon as I get to L.A.” Stephanie said into the phone as she walked into the living room rolling her suitcase behind her. “All right. Have fun photographing those baby pandas. Bring one home for me… No. No, no, no… I’m joking. Oh, Jimmy, no. It’s illegal. No… Hello?” He hung up and Stephanie turned to her sister and two nephews, “Oh, he’s totally bringing me back a panda.”

“So, how excited are you to sing ‘The Boy Next Door’ on dad’s morning show?” DJ asked Stephanie, standing in front of her while Cam stayed with Tommy.

“To be honest. I’m totally freaking out. Perhaps I should have performed in public at least once before I sing live on national TV.” Stephanie said.

“You did it at the ball game.” Cam reminded her.

“Well, that didn’t exactly go well.” Steph replied.

“Well, the way I see it, this could go one of two ways. This could either make your dream of becoming a singer/songwriter come true, or… the opposite.” DJ said, unhelpfully.

“You mean, it could end my music career before it even starts?”

“Well, I was trying to leave it vague, but… yeah” DJ nodded.

“Well, what about you? Are you psyched for your first weekend away with Matt?” Stephanie asked.

“I’m a little nervous.” DJ admitted. “Matt and I have only been dating a month and… I wonder if we’re moving too fast.”

“Well, the way I see it, this could go one of two ways. This trip could be the beginning of a beautiful life together, or… the opposite.” Stephanie repeated DJ’s advice.

“You mean, it could end out relationship before it even started?”

“Well, I was trying to be vague, but… yeah.”

“You two really need to work on your pep talks.” Cam told them as Kimmy strutted into the room in her usual dramatic flair, a dalmatian print on her skirt, hat, bag, and suitcase. Her hair styled, flashy jewellery, and heart shaped sunglasses. “Hello, Cruella.” He welcomed Kimmy, looking at her animal print outfit.

“I’m ready for Hollywood!” Kimmy sung, “America needs to meet the genius behind your viral video.”

“My dad told you; you absolutely cannot be on Wake-Up USA.” Stephanie reminded Kimmy.

“That’s just his way of saying, ‘Kimmy, I really want you on the show’.”

“Thank god you can read between the lines.” Cam told Kimmy with a hand on his heart.

“I’m all packed, but I cannot find my, how do you say, banana hammock?” Fernando said, coming down the stairs, making Cam cringe. “Never mind, I’m wearing it. I really hope I get to visit the set of the greatest show in TV history. Police Mom.” Fernando smiled; opening is jacket to reveal his Police Mom shirt. “Tough as nails at work, lays down the law at home.” He continued in an American accent.

“Man, it sucks we can’t go to L.A.” Jackson said as him, Max, and Ramona walk downstairs.

“Uh, we don’t say ‘sucks’ in this family. That is on the Do Not Say list.” DJ warned.

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