Fuller Thanksgiving

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Now that Cam was 18, he was forced to sit at the ‘adult table’ with Stephanie, Jimmy, Fernando, Kimmy, and Matt while his mom laid out the plans for Thanksgiving.

“Okay, people, who can tell me what Thanksgiving is all about?” DJ asked the group.

The group raised their hands, and Cam groaned, “It’s like school.”

“Fernando.” DJ called on, ignoring her son.

“Giving thanks for all our blessings.” Fernando said happily, getting nods of agreement.

“Wrong. Thanksgiving is about me.” DJ claimed. “Me hosting the perfect Thanksgiving! Which takes macro thinking, micromanaging, and a little microwaving. It’s gonna be a very full house, so here is your schedule of tomorrow’s activities, suggested dress code, and voucher good for one six-minute shower.” DJ said as she handed everybody a yellow folder.

“Do I really need to specify light or dark meat right now?” Jimmy asked.

“Of course not.” DJ smiled, “You have until 4:00.”

Cam rolled his eyes and got a spear piece of paper and pen, writing down all his answers that his mother would demand from him at some point in the next few hours.

“Even dad wasn’t this neurotic.” Stephanie claimed. “And he used to vacuum the fridge.”

“Mom does that as well.” Cam told his aunt.

“Okay, make fun of me if you want, but now that dad lives in L.A. and Uncle Jesse and Aunt Becky are there too, and Joey’s stuck in Vegas. This is our one chance all year to get the whole family together. And that’s why this had to be the best Thanksgiving in the history of Thanksgiving!” DJ exclaimed.

“Ah, you are something cute with your holiday spirit.” Matt said, making Cam cringe.

“Aw, and you are something cute when you tell me I’m something cute.” DJ smiled, kissing him.

“Let’s remember your son is at the table.” Cam sighed out, DJ and Matt separating.

Max came through the kitchen door, playing his trombone badly, making everyone jump, “Grandpa Danny’s here!”

“Oh! Okay, let’s go!” DJ said as they all got up to move to the living room. “Grab the sleeping chart.”

“I’m so excited to meet your dad and his wife.” Matt said, carrying the sleeping chart.

“Oh, well, Teri’s with her family, but you’re gonna love my dad.” DJ said as everyone gathered into the living room.

“I haven’t seen Old Man Tanner in 20 years. Now he’s gonna be Older Man Tanner.” Jimmy claimed, Kimmy nodding behind him.

“I’m sure you remember, but he’s not a big fan of the Gibblers.” Kimmy claimed.

“Yeah, so nobody tell him that I’m dating Jimmy Gibbler.” Stephanie told them.

“In that case, call me Jimmy Gobbler. In honour of Thanksgiving, you know.”

“Okay.” DJ said as she opened the front door. “Hey!”

“Hey, my peeps!” Danny greeted, with a white jacket, gold chains, and sunglasses.

“What happened to Grandpa?” Cam asked in confusion to Jackson and Ramona.

“What’s crack-a-lacking?” Danny asked again, “You, family fist bumps, come on. All around.” Danny said, giving fist bumps to DJ, Cam, Jackson, and Ramona, “Yeah, and et cetera.” He trailed off, giving air fist bumps down the line and taking off his sunglasses.

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