Happy New Year Baby

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Allie and Cam came into the living room in time for DJ to yell out, “There’s a package! Although not the package I was hoping for.” 

“Looking nice, DJ.” Allie smiled, seeing her boyfriend mother all dressed up. In front of her was a package.

“Why are you dressed up?” Cam asked, confused.

Allie hit him on the chest, “Don’t you remember? Matt is coming back today.” She scolded lightly.

“Oh, right.” Cam mumbled as DJ watched them amused.

“Ooh, this is for me.” Kimmy claimed as she and Stephanie walked into the living room and opening the box. “This is the Argentinean dress Fernando wants me to wear for the New Year’s Eve party tonight.”

“Oh, that is so sweet.” DJ awed.

“And so hideous.” Stephanie and Allie chorus when Kimmy holds up a bright pink dress with frills that looked horrible.

“Reminds me of something a discount Little Bo Peep would wear.”  Cam snorted.

“There’s no way I’m wearing this. It’s way too big and bright and loud.” Kimmy stated before pausing, “And that’s coming from me.”

“So, what are you going to tell Fernando?” Stephanie asked.

“Oh, I’m gonna tell him the truth. That it never came.” Kimmy said before taking the box and walking off to hide it.

The doorbell rang and DJ quickly ran up to the armchair and leaned against it, “It’s always open, Matt.” She yelled.

“Sorry. Not Matt.” CJ said as she walked in, “Is he coming back today?”

“No, she always wears leg makeup for breakfast.” Stephanie sassed before walking out the living room.

“Hey, Deej, I brought so much awesome stuff for your New Year’s party. And guess what, it was all 90% off. Can you believe it?” Steve smiled happily, putting on his ‘2016’ glasses he got.

“Yes, we can.” Cam said, looking at the glasses.

“Steve, those are from last year.” Allie said as CJ took the glasses off his face.

“Would you mind returning all this stuff, angel food cake?” Steve asked CJ. Allie and Cam gave each other odd looks at the nick name. “It’s just, there’s some stuff I need to… talk to DJ about, okay, pudding pop?”

“Yeah, and maybe DJ can help you come up with a nickname for me that, I don’t know, isn’t a food.” CJ sassed.

“We will work on that, sugar.” Steve said before seeing CJ’s unimpressed look, “Packet. Love you.”

“I love you.” CJ said back as they kissed, and she took the bag from his to return to the shop. “See you guys later.”

“Bye.” Cam and DJ said while Allie waved.

“Bye, lamb chop.” Steve said, before she left and he turned to the three-remaining people, “Okay. Really big news. You’d better sit down.” Steve said and him and DJ sat on the couch while Cam and Allie cuddled in the armchair. “That’s not the big news, by the way.”

“So, what is it then?” Allie asked once they all sat down.

“I wanna propose to CJ tonight.” Steve said.

DJ looked at him in shock, “You wanna propose tonight?”


“In our house?” Cam asked with raised eyebrows.

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