Declaration Of Independence

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“I love the Fourth of July.” DJ claimed. “When else can you make a red, white, and blue potato salad?” She asked, holding the potato salad coloured like the American flag so Kimmy and Cam could see it.

“Happy Birthday, America!” Fernando yelled in a heavy Texan accent as he walked in the kitchen, dressed for the occasion.

“What’s going on with you?” Cam asked Fernando in confusion.

“Get used to this, guys. Every year, Fernando gets all patriotic, because he loves his adopted country.” Kimmy explained.

“It is true.” Fernando confirmed, in his normal Spanish accent. “Today, I do not answer to Fernando Hernandez-Guerrero-Fernandez-Guerrero. Today, my name…” He said before turning back to his Texan accent, “is Frank Smith. In charge of grilling. I’m a git ‘er done.” He said before taking the plate of meats away.

“Make way, everybody. My one-legged lady love is coming through.” Jimmy exclaimed as he jogged into the kitchen, behind him was Stephanie sitting in a rolling chair with her leg propped up. Jimmy was using rope to pull her around.

“I knew this thing would come in handy.” Stephanie smiled, talking about the horse whip she was using to lightly hit his behind as he pulled her along.

“I was gonna get her a Little Rascal to ride on, but then I thought, I’ll be her Little Rascal to ride on.” Jimmy said.

“Thank you, Jimmy, but I don’t want to be a burden. Everyone has been waiting on me hand and foot. It’s really time I start doing things on my own. So, please, do not help me.” Stephanie said as she got up from her seat and Kimmy pulled a chair out and Jimmy moved the rolling chair out the way.

“Okay.” Jimmy agreed.

“I mean it. No helping me.”

“All right. I’ll help you by not helping you. Does that help? Because if it does, I won’t do it.” Jimmy claimed.

“Hey, mom? Do we have any dynamite?” Max asked as he ran into the kitchen.

DJ shared a look with Cam and shrugged her shoulders. “Yeah, sure, sweetie. It’s in the spice cabinet.” She said.

“Yeah, next to the hand grenades.” Cam nodded along.

“Why do you need dynamite?” DJ asked Max.

“It’s Fourth of July! The Pilgrims fought for my right to blow stuff up.” Max said passionately.

“Yer darn tootin’, buckaroo.” ‘Frank’ agreed in his Texan accent before mimicking guns in his hands and shooting them into the sky while making shooting noises.

“You’re weird.” Max said plainly and Fernando shrugged, “Back to me. Mom, Rose is coming over. I want to impress her. The babes dig explosions.” Max told DJ.

“Okay, please don’t refer to woman as ‘babes’.” DJ told him.

“Cam calls Allie ‘babe’ and ‘darling’ but fine. The chicks dig explosions.” Max said.

“That’s because she’s my girlfriend and she likes it.” Cam excused himself.

“You know what? Just stick with ‘babes’.” DJ said. “But hey, I don’t want you anywhere near fireworks. Or fire, or flames. Or flaming hot Cheetos. Those things stain everything.”

“Happy Fourth of July!” Danny Tanner said as he walked into the kitchen.

Max, Cam, and DJ rushed to hug him, and then he walked over to where Stephanie was sat and hugged her.

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